


Arcadia is a small inn. The inside room has a bar that lines the farthest wall from the entrance. To the left of the bar is a set of stairs that lead to the rooms on the second floor. There are roughly twenty wooden square tables, each has a set of four chairs placed around them. A fire burns hot and bright in the center of the right wall night after night, except on those hot summer nights when the door is left propped open by an old potters wheel. Gleaming weapons and shining armor hang on the walls, far too large for most people. The smell of food assaults the air and wafts throughout the building at all hours of the day or night. Dave is the bartender, a loud Orc who chooses to spend his time providing his customers with the best service in Therafim. Sari, a heavyset young woman in her twenties, seems to be the main serving girl. She has a quick smile for those who know how to behave themselves, showing off the dimples in each cheek, those who choose not to behave might very well find themselves on the wrong end of her frying pan. She can be found working the latest hours of the bar along with the cook Hannah. Hannah is a small mousey girl with features that seem to large for her face and brown stringy hair, the greatest quality to her is that she cooks with a passion that is not usually found outside of a bedroom. Not trusting anyone else to cook for her beloved customers she prepares her food ahead of time in anticipation of when she is not working.

A list of the food and drinks sold there is available here