Character Template2

Copy the Template, then create your own character page and paste this template onto it. From there you can create your own character and edit in your stats as appropriate. If you need help, ask on the IRC channel.

[[div style="float:right; width:250px;"]]
||||char name||
||||[[image Test.jpg]]||
||Aliases:||Test Man||
||Race:||[[[race here]]]||
||Class:||[[[class here]]] 1|| 
||Alignment:|| Alignment||
||Hit Points:||0/0||
||Current Status:||Active||
||||Played by Admin||

[[div style="float:left; width:60%; height:600px; text-align: left; top:100px; overflow:auto; padding: 10px;"]]
[[tab Description]]

+ Gallery


[[tab Abilities & Skills]]

||**Ability**||**Score**||**Mod**||**Temp Score**||**Temp Mod**||

Temp Mod Used to track Magic Item bonuses etc

||||**Armor Class**||****||**Saving Throws**||**Base**||**Bonus**||**Total**||
||Total||Base 10 + Dexterity = ||****||Fortitude||+0||+0||+0||

||**BAB**||**Mod**||**Total Range/Melee**||**Initiative** ||
||+0||+Dex/+Str||+0/+0||  Dex  = +0 ||

||C||U||**Skills**||**Rank**||**Ability**||**Synergy**||**Magic Bonuses**||**Total**||
||-||U||Climb (Str)||+ 0||+ 0||+ 0||+ 0||+ 0||+ 0||
||-||U||Jump (Str)||+ 0||+ 0||+ 0||+ 0||+ 0||+ 0||
||-||U||Swim (Str)||+ 0||+ 0||+ 0||+ 0||+ 0||+ 0||
||-||U||Balance (Dex)||+ 0||+ 0||+ 0||+ 0||+ 0||+ 0||
||-||U||Escape Artist (Dex)||+ 0||+ 0||+ 0||+ 0||+ 0||+ 0||
||-||U||Hide (Dex)||+ 0||+ 0||+ 0||+ 0||+ 0||+ 0||
||-||U||Move Silently (Dex)||+ 0||+ 0||+ 0||+ 0||+ 0||+ 0||
||-||-||Open Lock (Dex)||+ 0||+ 0||+ 0||+ 0||+ 0||+ 0||
||-||U||Ride (Dex)||+ 0||+ 0||+ 0||+ 0||+ 0||+ 0||
||-||-||Sleight of Hand (Dex)||+ 0||+ 0||+ 0||+ 0||+ 0||+ 0||
||-||-||Tumble (Dex)||+ 0||+ 0||+ 0||+ 0||+ 0||+ 0||
||-||U||Use Rope (Dex)||+ 0||+ 0||+ 0||+ 0||+ 0||+ 0||
||-||U||Concentration (Con)||+ 0||+ 0||+ 0||+ 0||+ 0||+ 0||
||-||U||Appraise (Int)||+ 0||+ 0||+ 0||+ 0||+ 0||+ 0||
||-||U||Craft (Int)||+ 0||+ 0||+ 0||+ 0||+ 0||+ 0||
||-||-||Decipher Script (Int)||+ 0||+ 0||+ 0||+ 0||+ 0||+ 0||
||-||-||Disable Device (Int)||+ 0||+ 0||+ 0||+ 0||+ 0||+ 0||
||-||U||Forgery (Int)||+ 0||+ 0||+ 0||+ 0||+ 0||+ 0||
||-||-||Knowledge (Int)||+ 0||+ 0||+ 0||+ 0||+ 0||+ 0||
||-||U||Search (Int)||+ 0||+ 0||+ 0||+ 0||+ 0||+ 0||
||-||-||Spellcraft (Int)||+ 0||+ 0||+ 0||+ 0||+ 0||+ 0||
||-||U||Heal (Wis)||+ 0||+ 0||+ 0||+ 0||+ 0||+ 0||
||-||U||Listen (Wis)||+ 0||+ 0||+ 0||+ 0||+ 0||+ 0||
||-||-||Profession (Wis)||+ 0||+ 0||+ 0||+ 0||+ 0||+ 0||
||-||U||Sense Motive (Wis)||+ 0||+ 0||+ 0||+ 0||+ 0||+ 0||
||-||U||Spot (Wis)||+ 0||+ 0||+ 0||+ 0||+ 0||+ 0||
||-||U||Survival (Wis)||+ 0||+ 0||+ 0||+ 0||+ 0||+ 0||
||-||U||Bluff (Cha)||+ 0||+ 0||+ 0||+ 0||+ 0||+ 0||
||-||U||Diplomacy (Cha)||+ 0||+ 0||+ 0||+ 0||+ 0||+ 0||
||-||U||Disguise (Cha)||+ 0||+ 0||+ 0||+ 0||+ 0||+ 0||
||-||U||Gather Information (Cha)||+ 0||+ 0||+ 0||+ 0||+ 0||+ 0||
||-||-||Handle Animal (Cha)||+ 0||+ 0||+ 0||+ 0||+ 0||+ 0||
||-||U||Intimidate (Cha)||+ 0||+ 0||+ 0||+ 0||+ 0||+ 0||
||-||U||Perform (Cha)||+ 0||+ 0||+ 0||+ 0||+ 0||+ 0||
||-||-||Use Magic Device (Cha)||+ 0||+ 0||+ 0||+ 0||+ 0||+ 0||
||-||-||Speak Language||+ 0||****||****||****||****||****||

||**Skill Points**||Total Skill Points Here||
-U = usable untrained
-C = class skill

Languages Known: List them here

Skill Tricks:
Skill Tricks go here

Skill Point Total: Total Here
1st 36, 2nd-7th 54, 8th-9th 20 <--Breakdown of skills generated per level, helps you keep track.


[[tab Feats & Class Abilities]]


**Class Abilities**:

**Racial Abilities**:


[[tab Equipment]]

||**Weapon**||**Attack Bonus**||**Damage**||**Crit**||**Damage Type**||
||-||+0||+0||19/20 x2||-||

||**Armour / Shield**||**Armour/Shield Bonus**||**Max Dex**||**Armour Check**||**Arcane Spell Failure**||**Movement Speed**||**Weight**||

||Head||Item name goes here||Brief item description||
||Face||Item name goes here||Brief item description||
||Neck||Item name goes here||Brief item description||
||Shoulders||Item name goes here||Brief item description||
||Torso||Item name goes here||Brief item description||
||Arms||Item name goes here||Brief item description||
||Hands||Item name goes here||Brief item description||
||Right Ring||Item name goes here||Brief item description||
||Left Ring||Item name goes here||Brief item description||
||Waist||Item name goes here||Brief item description||
||Feet||Item name goes here||Brief item description||
||Pack||Item name goes here||Brief item description||

List of Items Here:

Statistics of Items Here:


[[tab Spells]]

Spells per Day:

Spell DCs:
10+???+Spell Level=???

**Spells Known**:

**Level 1**:


[[tab Background]]
**Character History**:
enter character history here
