Quest Title: Contrary Contraband Part Two
DM Name: Malcolmwrynn
Hadrian, 1, Half-elf, Lurk
Fei Yen, 1, Human, Warblade
Killian, 2, Fox/Drowess, Cleric(had to go partway through quest, receives partial xp/loot)
Rodur, 2, Dwarf, Warblade
Ayda Kamon, 3, Beastfolk(Bunny), Psion
Challenges (Please list each encounter separately in the following format):
1st: 9 2-HD warriors, nonmagical gear, decent stats, CR 2 apiece. Also a 5th level <nonmagical> warrior with a longbow. CR 5.
2nd: 3 standard MM Ogres, CR 3.
Hadrian: 2125 XP
Fei Yen: 2125 XP
Killian: 1440 XP(Missed last encounter)
Rodur: 2125 XP
Ayda Kamon: 2125 XP
NOTE: this includes members on the previous quest who did not take part this time! (at least, on that char. :P)
Hadrian: 1000 GP, Potion of Invisibility. BONUS LOOT! 25 GP + 450 GP + 235 GP!(1710 total)
Fei: 1000 GP, Cloak of Resistance +1. BONUS LOOT! 25 GP + 450 GP + 235 GP!(1710 total)
Killian: 250 GP, Full Plate Armor. BONUS LOOT! 450 GP.(700 total)
Rodur: 1000 GP, Potion of Bull's Strength, Potion of CMW. BONUS LOOT! 25 GP + 450 GP + 235 GP!(1710 total)
Ayda: 850 GP, Potion of CMW. BONUS LOOT! 450 GP + 235 GP!(1535 total)
Layla: 150 GP. BONUS LOOT! 25 GP(175 total)
Sanori: 150 GP. BONUS LOOT! 25 GP(175 total)
LIST OF 'UP FOR GRABS' items, and their resale value. You can always post on the 'discuss' page here to say that you want an item, or discuss it in-chan.
I already liquidated gems/art objects, and included that in the GP.
1st session, 1st encounter(Available to Hadrian, Fei, Rodur, Layla, Sanori): 125 GP('bonus loot')
2nd session, 1st encounter(Available to Hadrian, Fei, Killian, Rodur, Ayda): 2250 GP('bonus loot')
2nd session, 2nd encounter(Available to Hadrian, Fei, Rodur, Ayda): 925 GP('bonus loot')
So basically, any items that don't get taken will get added to a liquidation pile, which I'll add to the GP afterwards. ^^ divvied among the folks who were there for that encounter.
EDIT: All done!
Quest Summary:
The party continues their traipsing up the smuggler's trail, eliminating two bands, the first one carrying herbal drugs, narcotics of an illegal sort. The second batch, the ogres…carried little in the way of contraband, they were seemingly posted to deal with any unwelcome guests such as guards, or adventurers. Upon slaying both bands, the adventurers were free to return to town and claim their reward.