Dispel Chaos
Abjuration [Lawful]
A constant, blue, lawful energy surrounds you. You
gain a +4 deflection bonus to AC against attacks by
Chaotic creatures.
Dispel Evil
Abjuration [Good]
A shimmering, white, holy energy surrounds you. You
gain a +4 deflection bonus to AC against attacks
by evil creatures.
Dispel Good
Abjuration [Evil]
A dark, wavering, unholy energy surrounds you. You
gain a +4 deflection bonus to AC against attacks by
Good creatures.
Dispel Law
Abjuration [Chaotic]
A flickering, yellow, chaotic energy surrounds you. You
gain a +4 deflection bonus to AC against attacks by
Lawful creatures.
Level: Clr 5, Good 5, Pal 4
Components: V, S, DF
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Touch
Target or Targets: You and a touched Chaotic/ Evil/ Good/ or Lawful creature from another plane; or you and
an enchantment or evil spell on a touched creature or object
Duration: 1 round/level or until discharged, whichever comes first
Saving Throw: See text
Spell Resistance: See text
This power has two other effects as well.
Second, on making a successful melee touch attack against a Chaotic/ Evil/ Good/ or Lawful creature from
another plane, you can choose to drive that creature back to its home plane. The creature can negate the
effects with a successful Will save (spell resistance applies). This use discharges and ends the spell.
Third, with a touch you can automatically dispel any one enchantment spell cast by an Chaotic/ Evil/ Good/ or Lawful
creature or any one evil spell.
Exception: Spells that can’t be dispelled by dispel magic also can’t be dispelled by dispel Chaotic/ Evil/ Good/ or Lawful.
Saving throws and spell resistance do not apply to this effect. This use discharges and ends the spell.