Matra/Frenzy Issue
If you notice….
it does not appear that Frenzy is amongst the New Deities -which suddenly leads me to believe it got the axe.
And yet its clearly still apart of some lore:
Its mentioned that Frenzy was something Matra was supposed to replace, but also that its a 'twisted side of matra'.
As a thought, I like the concept of Frenzy -and so I say that either
A) Fenris should replace all references to it; evil druids still need something to worship.
B) Frenzy concept should be retained, but added into the Matra article, and rather than something Matra was meant to replace, it should in fact be apart of matra, a sort of mental schism -two gods that are in fact the same god, two aspects of nature in a sort of dualism. As a god it has the same domains, its just a more desrtuctive rather than creative avatar for Matra worshiped more by evil and good -WITHOUT actually being evil itself technically.
"Ya can hoot, ya can holla-make any noise ya like! But if ya cant chant, oh if ya cant chant, well…ya no cult o' mine!"
~Ishkokum Mes Mosof She'res~
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