Looks good to me. Approved
looking to purchase
Masterwork Ogre Maul 710g (410+300g masterwork)
Everburning torch (Cast on an arm band) 110g
Courtier's Outfit 80g (30g +50g of jewlery)
total - 900g
Everburning torch and Courtier's outfit approved
Masterwork Ogre Maul is above your level 2 ECW of 500gp and thus cannot be approved at this time.
Editing, I had a DERP moment and forgot mundane stuff wasn't ECW reliant. Thus, the maul is also approved.
Looking to buy
Masterwork Dwarven plate 2,500g +50g armor spikes +150g masterwork
Crystal of Aquatic Action (least) 250gp
total 2950
Bonemail Armor 50g (half of 100g)
Net -2900g
Magic item wealth after purchase 360g/1500g
Looking to buy the good ol favorate "Healing belt" Mic p110, 750g
Buying a 2nd healing belt ! another 750g, will stash it in his backpack or something. sold by Peppin in a quest
Looking to buy
+1 Dastana of agility and stamina -2175g
-base 25g
-Masterwork 150g
- +1 enchantment 1000g
- Agility 500g
- stamina 500g
Ring of Sustenance DMG, 2,500 gp
total 4675g
Level 4 so 3000gp Magical wealth limit
Neather item is over the limit
I'm pretty sure Dastana can't be enchanted. They are like a Tonlet.
Thinking on it, I prefer it this way. Eliminates a potential avenue of cheese. Thus, they cannot be enchanted but do stack with light armor for the bit of extra AC and do not interfere with magical bracers in terms of item slots.
Still after a
Ring of Sustenance DMG, 2,500 gp
(Level 4 3000gp Magical wealth limit)
And a non-magic Mithral Tonlet then (2500g value)
500g base, 2000g 4lbs Mithral cost
total 5,000g
Tonlet weighs 8lbs originaly. thus 4000gp +500gp = 4,500gp
ring of sustenance approved
requesting to rebuild character, maybe make him fun again and get him off the inactive list