30,000gp Magic Item
Tome of Clear Thought +4 - 30,000 gp magic item + 80,000 gp for a total of 110,000
20,000gp worth of Magic Items
Crystal Mask of Mindarmor - A crystal mask of mindarmor grants the wearer a +4 insight bonus on all Will saving throws. 10,667
Ring of Self-Sufficiency - This crystalline ring continually grants the wearer a +10 competence bonus on Autohypnosis checks. Total 10,000gp, 9,333 gp item + 667gp of own money.
8,000gp worth of Magic Items
Boots of Levitate - On command, these leather boots allow the wearer to levitate as if she had cast levitate on herself. 7,500
2 Cure Moderate Potions - 600 total (500 gp from magic item + 100 gp own money)
30,000 magic item
20,000 magic item
8,000 magic item
80,767 of personal gold
Leaves Olivia with 12,853 gold