Count your skill points again. I think you're short 1. Could be wrong though
Where is master linguist from? I can't find it XD
The Basics
Membership and Players
Count your skill points again. I think you're short 1. Could be wrong though
Where is master linguist from? I can't find it XD
Character is being remade, and will need to be approved again.
Looking to buy
Mithral Chain shirt 1100g (Not a magical item)
Looking to buy
1,000g +1 Enchantment on currently non-magic armor
1,000g Glyph Seal (Mic, p161)
60g Continual flame (spell cast by 3rd level caster, 20g/caster level)
Mithral buckler 1015g (not a magic item)
Selling small wooden shield 1.5g (3g)
MWL currently 3,000. everythings well below that.
Approving everything except for the continual flame spell for now. I'll get back to you on that one.
*pays extra 50g for now to make Zenith happy about the continual flame, until it gets discussed, as agreed on in messages*
+2 Cloak of Charisma 4,000 gp
Eternal wand of Change Sex 442 gp
Level 5 Maximum Value of Magic Item = 5,000
But remember, e-spells are not to be used on quests unless the quest is rated an e-quest.
Joining the "Healing belt" band wagon. Mic p110, 750g
Because you know… not dieing is always helpful.
Looking to improve +1 Mithral chain shirt to +1 twilight Mithral chain shirt..
Old value 2100g, New value 5100g.
Paying 3000g for upgrade
Level 6 Max magic item value 11250gp, so well within limits.
would like Stamina +1 and Agility +1 added as well. 500g each that doesnt raise its +enchantment level.
Mic page 15 for stamina, page 6 for agility.
Total cost would be 4,000g then
Item value 6,100
Seeking Approval for Rep Purchase
1x Additional Feats: 10 REP per feat
Feat: Roll With It [general]
feat requirements 20con, toughness feat (Have both)
Current rep 12
Rep after purchase 2
Enchanting Sentrosi's Mithral buckler to +1 previously non-magic
Previous cost 1015, new cost 2015
I'm adding a note to this. The afixation of this item, by the book, requires at least a limited wish for a non dragon.
"Ya can hoot, ya can holla-make any noise ya like! But if ya cant chant, oh if ya cant chant, well…ya no cult o' mine!"
~Ishkokum Mes Mosof She'res~
"Congratulations, you can link to TV Tropes. This does not mean you have special insight into the storytelling process, much less the author's mind. Stories don't need to fit into neat boxes, you know.
Draconomicon item meant for dragons. Kara has one. There's an additional paragraph that states that for non dragons, this item can be used but requires at least a limited wish to do so.
Gemstone of Heavy Fortification?
Hmm I didnt see it mentioned in the thread, only the buckler, it must have been edited out.
Anyway, a scrolls is only 3,775 gp.
EDIT: No I see what it was. You posted in the wrong thread, its on page 2 and this thread is on page 1 and from September. He probably didnt see it.
"Ya can hoot, ya can holla-make any noise ya like! But if ya cant chant, oh if ya cant chant, well…ya no cult o' mine!"
~Ishkokum Mes Mosof She'res~
"Congratulations, you can link to TV Tropes. This does not mean you have special insight into the storytelling process, much less the author's mind. Stories don't need to fit into neat boxes, you know.