I see no maneuvers list
(White Wolf's old Werewolf the Apocalypse supplement 'The Changing Breeds' if you aren't familiar)
"Ya can hoot, ya can holla-make any noise ya like! But if ya cant chant, oh if ya cant chant, well…ya no cult o' mine!" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7movKfyTBII
~Ishkokum Mes Mosof She'res~
"Congratulations, you can link to TV Tropes. This does not mean you have special insight into the storytelling process, much less the author's mind. Stories don't need to fit into neat boxes, you know.
Permission to slap this on my boy? Was also curious if i could spend rep to make him perma large-sized?
Dark Template:
Speed +10 to all modes
Darkvision 60ft
Hide in plain sight(Ex)
Resist cold 10
Superior Low light vision
Hide +8 Move Silently +6
Environment changes to Plane of Shadows
Level adjust: +1
The template would be 25 Rep. And I don't see a problem with it. The permanent enlarge, if you want to pay for it with rep, I'll need to take it up with Gideon. It's not a "normal" expenditure for rep, and you can get the same thing from purchasing a casting of Enlarge Person and Permanency (Albiet expensive)
While I have no issue with the template (pending the REP expenditure), I'm not inclined to approve just being large sized.. it leads to becoming huge size via enlarge person at low level and for relatively little cost.