One of my biggest issues with the paladin was the requirement of wisdom for spell casting. Requiring such always meant that a paladin had 3 Necessary stats to stack: Strength (for Damage and weight allowance), Constitution (for Hit Points and Fortitude saves), Charisma (for Lay on Hands, Divine Grace, and smite). Then they needed to have a minimum of a 14 Wisdom (ability to cast spells of all four levels of paladin spell casting, and Will saves). This makes 4 Necessary stats in total, meaning that they are in fact more MAD than a monk, as a paladin might also have wanted Dexterity (for AC, Initiative, and Reflex saves). This of course in my opinion is a ridiculous requirement for a class that is so easy to lose the class features of. But, once again this is really all personal opinion. As for the limited boost to their weapon's special abilities in place of a mount, I am always going to vote yes for this ability on the basis that there is hardly any mounted combat in Therafim.
As for the Ranger, I have always felt that favored enemy was an awesome ability within the scope of the frequency of encountering the enemies you choose. With the way Therafim is run, you aren't very likely to run into the same sort of enemies with any amount of frequency. Adding the Favored Terrain bonuses I think will be a nice boost, in addition to allowing them a more useful animal companion.
While we are on the subject of animal companions, I believe a Paladin should also operate as a druid -3 for advancement of it's mount's special abilities for those that do in fact select the mount. However they should still be restricted to the standard mounts for a Paladin. Further, I believe that we should allow (as with the druid) selection of more powerful mounts as the druid is allowed for animal companions (i.e., a Pegasus that would operate as a paladin mount at a lesser progression) with. But this is because Therafim does not allow for use of Leadership and by extension the normal rules that might be available to a Paladin wishing for a mount other than a horse.
I am all for these changes, I believe they will make these two classes more attractive to play.