Everything is listed by market price, so can be sold for half the listed values. A possible exception for gemstones and art which may be usable as trade goods, especially the gemstones. The amulet is obviously for Zamiera and the Gauntlets are for Satin.
Conall plans on claiming 460 gp from the coins from adventures section (1/6th), Jade (Converted to 130 gp), and a potion of cure light wounds (Converted and sold at 25gp since Conall can not hold a 50gp magical item)
Total GP Recieved from quest: 615
Will definitely want:
masterwork dagger
scroll of fireballs
wand of magic missile
potion of mage armour
potion of cure light wounds
will also take the cytrine (sold for 60gp), not being one for gems and stuff would end up not caring till every other stone was taken anyhow. Alternatively somebody else can have the stone for 60gp.
and since nobody will probably even care, small flail and small daggers sold for 5gp
with 460gp from the goblin adventurers that comes up to 525gp
The flail + 2 small daggers sells for 6 gp not 5, but a minor error. 526 gp total.
I don't want anything. Didn't really get to do anything anyway before I had to go, so wouldn't be fair.
Kamarr will need to spend some posts to take all the loot he's requesting, only 80 experience worth needed though, unless he's hoping to sell most of the magic items. I think you should let miyako have the last potion of cure light wounds if nothing else, for her assistance during the goblin commoners encounter.
Satin did help with the wraith so she may want a share of the treasure from the goblin camp they looted afterwards, but here's a quick update on what treasure is left.
Magic Items: 1 Potions of Cure light wounds(50gp each), 1 Potion of Barkskin +3 (600gp), 1 potion of Eagle's Splendour (300gp), 1 potion of enlarge person (50gp), Everlasting Rations(350gp), Divine scroll of protection from energy (375gp), Incense of Concentration (250gp), Incense of Meditation(Really Incense of Obsession) (200gp), Incense of Obsession(Correctly identified)(200gp), Wand of Cure light wounds(10 charges left) (150gp), Holy Symbol of Natural Armour +1 (2000gp), Gauntlets of Ogre Strength +2 (4000gp)
Non-magical Equipment: small Masterwork Plated Leather(2150gp), small greatsword(50gp), 3 small chain-shirts(100gp each)
Art and Gems from goblin camp: Ornate wooden lock box with key(50gp), blue quartz(70gp), carnelian(70gp)
Art and Gems from Adventurers: coral saucer(110gp), Red Garnet(140gp), tourmaline(110gp), Bloodstone(80gp)
Of which I recommend selling off the greatsword and chain-shirts(175gp) to add to the adventurers pot, and giving the plated leather to Satin.
The total value of the camp pot including art and gems is 2890, split 2/5 to Yae and Zamiera and 1/5 to Satin would be 1156 for Yae and Zamiera and 578 for Satin. Feel free to take 508 gold and the blue quartz(70) or however you'd like to split the pot if you want to keep the gems as gems.(IC wise it's easier to carry valuable gems than hoards of gold, but we don't seem to worry about the weight of gold a lot)
Since miyako doesn't want a share, you'll have to recalculate the goblin adventurers pot for kamarr and conall. This will be 2760 + 181(daggers and flails sold off) + 630(gemsnart) is 3571 gold split 5 ways for 714.2 gold each
That does include the gemstones you were claiming, so if you grab a specific gemstone the share goes down by its value.
Now for masterwork and magic items. I'll be using the sale prices of the items not their market values in this discussion.
Kamarr wants 463.5 gold worth of items, including the masterwork dagger which may be contested.
Conall wants 25 gold worth of items.
I think miyako should get the last potion(worth 25 gold)
Zamiera will get the holy symbol of natural armour, wand of cure light wounds, and scroll of protection from energy(worth 1262.5 gold)
Satin will get the guantlets of ogre power and masterwork small plated leather (worth 3075 gold)
This will leave available: Potion of Barkskin +3 (300gp), potion of Eagle's Splendour (150gp), 1 potion of enlarge person (25gp), Everlasting Rations(175gp), Incense of Concentration (125gp), Incense of Meditation(Really Incense of Obsession) (100gp), Incense of Obsession(Correctly identified)(100gp)
Yae hasn't claimed anything so far, so he may want to gobble up all the remaining potions and the everlasting rations. (total resale value of 650 should he choose to keep none of them)
This leaves the incenses. Only Zamiera may use them, so you may want to just sell them all off, but I'll let you decide. Would give everyone an extra 65 gold if you do.
The bloodstone is part of the "gold pool" so she can take it as part of her share unless you're doing it differently.
Okay updating the quest summary to display everyone's treasure properly!