I'm completing work on the Upcomming Quest and those that follow. There should be 3, albeit I dont know that all of them will be finished individually in just one session. I expect they will come along much without the lag between pt1 and pt 2 now.
I should be able to run tentatively on Friday Nov 4th at the earliest. Of course, we may not run then, depending on your availiability and some other things (as you'll see in the section below). I am generally availiable weeknights (but not monday) after 10p. I know that is late for some people, but I am also availiable theoretically all Sunday. Saturday-that really depends. That aside…this quest is "Semi-Open". What does that mean?
The quest is open not only to those members of the company, and not only those who were apart of the original group (membership is not actually required), but it is ALSO open to those persons whom are invited In Character, whether by current Green Flash OR by those who were on the quest. Our group small last time, and you may be comfortable with it, but you may also bring others along (feel free to mention my name…or dont. };-) Whatever suits your purposes.) When/If you do, tell them what you like (OOC I will complete the original summary later, but it will be done).
Look for people you know, or like to work with Level 8-11 There's no outright hard cap right now, but I dont think I want to run for more than 7 at a time. If you have divinations, or what not you (or others you know) would like to attempt or something in that vein, go ahead and PM me.
Now I know some of you apart of the original quest/sessions know of The Green Flash, and you PM'd recently when I surveyed you again this week. If you are officially onboard, I need you to put your name on the page -positions/ranks/etc is all up to you, I am just financing. Which leads me to the next point:
Now I originally said (see the rewards section) that I was providing 18,000gp. I'm increasing that to 22,000 still subject to the restrictions I talked about on the page, as well as normal gear/item purchasing restrictions.
"Ya can hoot, ya can holla-make any noise ya like! But if ya cant chant, oh if ya cant chant, well…ya no cult o' mine!"
~Ishkokum Mes Mosof She'res~
"Congratulations, you can link to TV Tropes. This does not mean you have special insight into the storytelling process, much less the author's mind. Stories don't need to fit into neat boxes, you know.