DM Name:
Mythiv Rallistance, level 8, Human, Warlock/Battle Sorc
Cecilia, level 8, Human, Wizard/Loremaster
Satin, Level 9, Small cat Beastfolk, Soulknife
Cordy, level 10, elf, cloistered cleric/ divine oracle
Roka, Level 11, Beastfolk - Foxkin, Ranger/Deepwood Sniper
Damien Redd, Level 11, Raccoonfolk, Rogue/Swashbuckler
Challenges (Please list each encounter separately in the following format):
2, Ogre Barbarians Cr 7
1, Ghast Graft Stone golem Cr 12
1, Duergar Warrior Cr 1
1, 2HD Human Zombie with Magic Missile trap, Cr 5
24, 2hd corpsecrafted zombies, Cr 1/2
1, Lightlost Human Necromancer 12, CR 12
1, 5 headed Hydra, CR 4
Mythiv Rallistance: 4000
Cecilia: 4000
Satin: 3338
Cordy: 2479
Roka: 2040
Damien Redd: 2040
Character Name: Gold/Items, description/amount
Mythiv Rallistance: 6761 gold and rubies, up to 2000 of which may be spent on half cost magic items(Spend 2000 gold to improve or buy a new magic item, get 2000 off, one time only)
Cecilia: 6761 gold and rubies, up to 2000 of which may be spent on half cost magic items(Spend 2000 gold to improve or buy a new magic item, get 2000 off, one time only)
Satin: 6761 gold and rubies, up to 2000 of which may be spent on half cost magic items(Spend 2000 gold to improve or buy a new magic item, get 2000 off, one time only)
Cordy: 6761 gold and rubies, up to 2000 of which may be spent on half cost magic items(Spend 2000 gold to improve or buy a new magic item, get 2000 off, one time only)
Roka: 6761 gold and rubies, up to 2000 of which may be spent on half cost magic items(Spend 2000 gold to improve or buy a new magic item, get 2000 off, one time only)
Damien Redd: 6761 gold and rubies, up to 2000 of which may be spent on half cost magic items(Spend 2000 gold to improve or buy a new magic item, get 2000 off, one time only)
Quest Summary:
Recently, while fortifying the city, a plot to flood the sewer systems with aquatic undead was discovered. Luckily a team of adventurers had managed to fend off the first wave, so the city's engineers could fortify the entrances to the waterways, but it brought everyones minds back to the matter at hand: The Ghost war as it was being called. The undead had come on strong and taken Avalon's southern territory, and little had been heard from them since. Scouting missions had uncovered an underground facility hastily established in a region rich in Rubies. The party was tasked with infiltrating the facility and discovering what the undead forces were doing there. It was stated that if they could also shut the facility down they'd recieve more reward, but the council stressed the import on coming back with information over heroics.
The party set out along the road, avoiding an undead patrol along the way thanks to Roka's survival training allowing them to avoid the main roads and move through the woods. It was night time when they arrived at the facility, little more than a hole in the ground from the outside, and they quickly dispatched the ogres standing guard. Moving deeper inside.
Confronted with 4 paths, they chose to follow the path that was completely devoid of any indication as to what laid down it. The facility was completely dark, and the party needed a light source to see. The duergar quartmaster at the end of the winding path saw the light source coming before the party came into view and unleashed some of the horrific experiments the ghost war army was working on and almost raised the alarm before damiens quick thinking, and even quicker moving dropped him. They still had to contend with the stone golem, armed literally with two foul smelling ghast grafts which flailed ruthlessy at anyone within reach of the golem, and a simple zombie whose head had been replaced with a magic missile trap that unleashed its endless fury upon the nearest living target at all times. Damien managed to disable the trap after suffering a few blasts himself and they retrieved records from the filing room nearby pertaining to the experiments being conducted in the facility.
Continuing deeper inside, they came upon a 5 headed hydra that was being kept in captivity, so a necromancer could animate its severed heads providing a cheap renewal source of zombies. The party had to fight 24 of the extremely well made Hydra head zombies, and the Necromancer escaped in the confusion after raising the alarm. The party finished off the hydra at least, so there will be no more hydra head zombies made from it, but there is no telling how many were already created in the meantime.
The Council was very glad to recieve the information on the undead army, and although it will take some time for them to decode the information in the files, the experiments the party witnessed first hand alone are alarming enough that the council cannot afford to remain passive about the undead threat any longer.
XP And REP awarded by Scathien