Inactive Characters

If your character is listed here that is because you have either not updated the character in about 2 months or more, or you haven't been seen in a long while and we miss you. If you'd like to play your character again, just let an op know and we'll move it back to the active list!

Adele elf psion
Aeryn Sunlight healer human
Aeschwine barbarian beastfolk
Agbjorg barbarian beastfolk
Aireiel elf wizard
Alexander Verdson beastfolk warblade
Alisaadi human psion
Angeliano human shadowlord swordsage
Antone beastfolk wizard
Arcoss GrayFeather barbarian beastfolk
Ariara elf ranger scout
Ayla Varia human rogue
Badger human rogue scout
Bree bard beastfolk
Brownie beastfolk rogue
Catherine gnome psychic-warrior swordsage
Chughammer Py human swordsage
Cornelia cleric human
Corwin Grayswandir grey orc warblade
Cricket human rogue
Curoy Del Kaylos IV human wizard
Cyroan human wizard
Dahlia human paladin
Dakheel crystal-master human psion
Damiana Eveweed ardent beastfolk
Darrion beastfolk ranger
Daruin beguiler human
Darya Toril Fairblade half-orc paladin
Dawn Firestarter beastfolk rogue
Del beastfolk druid
Dox changeling warlock
Ecnillos Tabhel human rogue
Eloralei beastfolk hexblade
Evel Must beastfolk rogue
Faro Blackjack human rogue swashbuckler
Gabriel Aldrecen human warblade
Gajendra beastfolk fighter hexblade
Garry Greybeard human wizard
Gauron beastfolk fighter
Geoffry cleric human
Ghevo beastfolk scout
Gregor Imperian changling psion
Gwyneira bard human
Helsbeth hexblade human
Hope avariel psychic-rogue
Iaea human swordsage
Ibis healer human
Jaquen Asuna begulier human
Jasper Algernon beastfolk scout
Jean Baptiste Robilar human marshal
Jerecketh Ivorysong cleric elf wizard
Julietta Plainsword barbarian human
Jyihina beastfolk binder
Kaellack human rogue swordsage
Kaotaka beastfolk swordsage
Karyn cleric human
Kayrel beastfolk cloistered-cleric
Kazzlestein gnome warlock
Kiefer barbarian beastfolk
Kiran human swordsage
Knogk fighter orc
Korogo Tearhail beastfolk warblade
Krugash druid grey orc
Kurwasha beastfolk fighter
Kyesni human swashbuckler
Lace beastfolk ranger
Larius beastfolk psychic-warrior
Lena Dia Lucrii beastfolk rogue
Lillith duskblade human
Lily beastfolk monk
Lina Dia Lucrii beastfolk rogue
Lochlorn human rogue
Malcolm Wrynn, Shadowcaster changeling shadowcaster
Marilene Logan beastfolk warlock
Melanie half-elf swordsage
Mordred Alstreim cleric human sorcerer
Myrixa beastfolk beguiler
Nechtan barbarian dwarf
Nelishia ardent human
Nyx Argyris cleric drow warlock
Octavi druid human
O-rin bard human
Orion DeathBringer human rogue
Quel'Saada beastfolk healer
Raesa half-elf ranger
Raibert human paladin
Red Bear druid orc
Rhea Steelheart cleric dwarf
Richter human psion
Rinji Aleaneldth elf wizard
Roan dwarf fighter
Rorgen Von Barcque human sorcerer
Rowan human sorcerer
Saya beastfolk druid
Serikka beastfolk ranger
Shelindria Ebonwing elf shadowcaster
Silya human knight
Sina elf lurk
Sira Hasenfluss cloistered-cleric human malconvoker
Sirius barbarian beastfolk
Solomon binder human
Stanford Mordeval changeling wizard
Stray cleric human
Syan Windpaw beastfolk fighter rogue
Szintyrr Arakesh beastfolk druid
Tanith Longshadow human rogue
Tialys elf high sorcerer
Tonia Aldrecen aasimar cleric radiant-servant
Uss D'mzil changling soulknife
Varisanna bard elf wood
Vinren halfling rogue
Virgil Darkridge assassin beastfolk rogue
Vivian Jones human light-lost psychic-rogue
Vivianne elf lurk
Wuon-Bites-Best beastfolk warblade
Xanthia Chivalraut fighter human
Xavier Salazar human offworlder rogue
Xel T`lai avariel warlock
Yvaine human sorcerer
Zekmur'ss Godeath drow fighter
Zilander Demetrious Meadow Wheel gnome wilder