Lace | |
![]() |
Aliases: | Lace |
Age: | 18 |
Sex: | Female |
Hair/Fur: | Tawny orange with dark stripes |
Eyes: | Brilliant, flashing green |
Height: | 6' |
Weight: | 186 lbs. |
Race: | Beastfolk Large Feline (Smilodon) |
Class: | Ranger 2/Cragtop Archer (Pending)/Holt Warden (Pending) |
Level: | 2 |
Experience: | 1,407/3,000 |
Hit Points: | 20/20 |
Alignment: | Neutral Good |
Gold: | 1,806 |
Current Status: | Active |
Played by Gideon Kalve Jarvis |
- Description
- Abilities & Skills
- Feats, Class, and Racial Abilities
- Equipment
- Spells
- Background
- Questionnaire
Ability | Score | Mod | Temp Mod |
Strength | 18 | +4 | +4 |
Dexterity | 18 | +4 | +4 |
Constitution | 14 | +2 | +2 |
Intelligence | 10 | +0 | +0 |
Wisdom | 14 | +2 | +2 |
Charisma | 14 | +2 | +2 |
Temp Mod Used to track Magic Item bonuses etc
Armor Class | |
Total | Base 10 + Armor 2 + Dexterity 4 = 16 |
Flat-Footed | 12 |
Touch | 14 |
Saving Throws | Base | Bonus | Total |
Fortitude | +3 | +2 | +5 |
Reflex | +3 | +4 | +7 |
Will | +0 | +2 | +2 |
BAB | Mod | Total Range/Melee |
+2 | +4 Dex/+4 Str | +6/+6 |
Initiative |
+4 Dex = +4 |
Skills | Ranks | Stat Bonus | Synergy | Other Bonuses | Total | |
C | Appraise (Int) | +0 | +0 | +0 | +0 | +0 |
C | Balance (Dex) | +0 | +4 | +0 | +4 | +8 |
C | Bluff (Cha) | +0 | +2 | +0 | +0 | +2 |
x | Climb (Str) | +5 | +4 | +0 | +0 | +9 |
x | Concentration (Con) | +0 | +2 | +0 | +0 | +2 |
x | Craft (Int) | +0 | +0 | +0 | +0 | +0 |
C | Decipher Script (Int) | +0 | +0 | +0 | +0 | +0 |
C | Diplomacy (Cha) | +0 | +2 | +0 | +0 | +2 |
C | Disable Device (Int) | +0 | +0 | +0 | +0 | +0 |
C | Disguise (Cha) | +0 | +2 | +0 | +0 | +2 |
C | Escape Artist (Dex) | +0 | +4 | +0 | +0 | +4 |
C | Forgery (Int) | +0 | +0 | +0 | +0 | +0 |
C | Gather Information (Cha) | +0 | +2 | +0 | +0 | +2 |
x | Handle Animal (Cha) | +0 | +2 | +0 | +0 | +2 |
x | Heal (Wis) | +0 | +2 | +0 | +0 | +2 |
x | Hide (Dex) | +4 | +4 | +0 | +0 | +8 |
C | Intimidate (Cha) | +0 | +2 | +0 | +0 | +2 |
x | Jump (Str) | +0 | +3 | +0 | +0 | +3 |
x | Knowledge (Stuff) (Int) | +4 | +0 | +0 | +0 | +4 |
x | Listen (Wis) | +4 | +2 | +0 | +2 | +8 |
x | Move Silently (Dex) | +4 | +4 | +0 | +2 | +10 |
C | Open Lock (Dex) | +0 | +4 | +0 | +0 | +0 |
C | Perform (Cha) | +0 | +2 | +0 | +0 | +2 |
x | Profession (Wis) | +0 | +2 | +0 | +0 | +2 |
x | Ride (Dex) | +0 | +4 | +0 | +0 | +4 |
x | Search (Int) | +0 | +0 | +0 | +0 | +0 |
C | Sense Motive (Wis) | +0 | +2 | +0 | +0 | +2 |
C | Sleight of Hand (Dex) | +0 | +4 | +0 | +0 | +4 |
C | Speak Language (n/a) | +0 | +0 | +0 | +0 | +0 |
C | Spellcraft (Int) | +0 | +0 | +0 | +0 | +0 |
x | Spot (Wis) | +4 | +2 | +0 | +0 | +6 |
x | Survival (Wis) | +5 | +2 | +0 | +0 | +7 |
x | Swim (Str) | +0 | +4 | +0 | +0 | +4 |
C | Tumble (Dex) | +0 | +4 | +0 | +4 | +9 |
C | Use Magic Device (Cha) | +0 | +2 | +0 | +0 | +2 |
x | Use Rope (Dex) | +0 | +4 | +0 | +0 | +4 |
Where C is Cross Class and X is a Class Skill
Current Skill Point Total: 30
1st level Skill Points: 24
Skill Points/Level: 6 (Ranger)
Skill Tricks:
Knowledge: Nature, Dungeoneering.
Languages: Common, Carnivon, Literacy.
Level 1: Point-Blank Shot
Ranger Feat: Track
Combat Style: Rapid Shot
Far Shot
Mountain Warrior
Natural Attack (Bite) - Feats of the Beastfolk
Class Abilities:
1st Favored Enemy: Aberrations.
Wild Empathy: Can influence the attitudes of animals within 30' like a Diplomacy check, but with a 1d20 + Charisma + Ranger level check instead. Can also work on magical beasts of intelligence 1 or 2 with a -4 penalty. This takes roughly 1 minute. Most domestic animals are indifferent, while most wild animals are unfriendly.
Combat Style: Archery (Bonus Rapid Shot feat)
Racial Abilities
+2 Strength, +2 Dexterity, -2 Intelligence
-Normal Speed: 30’ base speed.
-Scent (Ex): As the ability.
-Padfoot: +2 racial bonus on Listen and Move Silently.
-Unerring Balance: +4 bonus to Balance checks, +4 to Tumble checks.
-Low-light Vision
REP Additions
+2 Strength - 40 REP
Weapon | Attack Bonus | Damage | Crit | Damage Type |
Dagger | +5/+4 | 1d4+4 | 19-20/x2 | S/P, 10' range |
Scimitar | +4 | 1d6+4 | 18-20/x2 | S |
Composite Longbow +1 | 1d8/x3 | 3 lbs. | P, 110 ft. |
Armour / Shield | Armour/Shield Bonus | Max Dex | Armour Check | Arcane Spell Failure | Movement Speed | Weight |
Leather | +2 | +6 | -0 | 10% | 30 ft. | 15 lbs |
Slot | Item | Description |
Head | Item name goes here | Brief item description |
Face | Item name goes here | Brief item description |
Neck | Item name goes here | Brief item description |
Shoulders | Item name goes here | Brief item description |
Torso | Item name goes here | Brief item description |
Arms | Item name goes here | Brief item description |
Hands | Item name goes here | Brief item description |
Right Ring | Item name goes here | Brief item description |
Left Ring | Item name goes here | Brief item description |
Waist | Item name goes here | Brief item description |
Feet | Item name goes here | Brief item description |
Pack | Item name goes here | Brief item description |
List and Stats of Items:
Backpack (2 gp, 2 lbs.); Bedroll (1 sp, 5 lbs.); scrollcase (1 gp, 1/2 lb.); Flint and Steel (1 gp); beltpouch (1 gp, 1/2 lb.); 4 days trail rations (2 gp, 4 lbs.); 50' silk rope (10 gp, 5 lbs.); sack (1 sp, 1/2 lb.); sewing needle (5 sp); 2 waterskins (2 gp, 8 lbs.); whetstone (2 cp, 1 lb.); common lamp (1 sp, 1 lb.); 2 flasks oil (1 sp each, 1 lb each).
40 arrows (1 gp per 10, 3 lbs. per 10)
Might go for two-weapon scimitar/kukri fighting.
Spells per Day:
0th (DC 12):
1st (DC 13):
2nd (DC 14):
3rd (DC 15):
4th (DC 16):
Spell DCs:
10+stat+Spell Level
Favored Spells:
Level 1:
Level 2:
Level 3:
Level 4:
Character History:
Lace is the daughter of Grimm and Saya. She grew up in Avalon City, above a small bakery owned by a nice older couple, Amos and Martha Rendle. Though she had a rather short childhood (thanks to the magic of a Hastened Term spell), she grew up happy and safe. Her parents made sure that she was trained in the ways of combat (Grimm) and nature (Saya), and she also had a natural affinity for the path of the ranger. This affinity was allowed to blossom under the tutelage of Raah Lionclaw, a white lion simbani beastfolk and a prince among his people who became a voluntary expatriot when he abdicated his heirship throne to his younger brother, who he felt was a more competent ruler. Raah had taken up residence in Avalon City as a schoolteacher, but is also an accomplished barbarian/ranger, and has worked hard to teach the ever-eager Lace everything he knows, or at least enough so that she can teach herself the rest.
In personality, Lace is energetic and eager to soak in everything. She has a kittenish excitement and innocence to her, and seems willing to have new experiences of just about any sort at least once. For her, the world is a vast adventure, with treasures everywhere just waiting to be discovered and enjoyed. However, just because she is naive does not mean she is not canny, and she quickly adapts to changing situations, and has a strong sense of right and wrong.
A: Appearance
1) Describe yourself as someone meeting you for the first time would see you. (Race?, Gender?, Age?, Size? Coloration? Attractiveness?, Dress? Do you try to emphasize or hide any of these features?)
2) What other details would someone notice on a closer look? (Distinguishing marks, birthmarks, scars, ect?)
3) Do you have a distinctive way of speaking or any other mannerisms or memorable behaviour?
If one couldn't see her, it would still be rather easy to identify Lace by her voice, which has a distinctive tone to it, brought about by her extensive efforts to avoid lisping when she speaks. This lisp, of course, comes from her sizable canine teeth, which make for a set of impressive weapons in their own right. Lace, for those that can see her, is a bit of a throwback, thanks in no small part to the genes of her father, Grimm, which tend to enhance the most physically impressive parts of the ancestry of the mother of a child, in this case Saya, a catfolk druid. Well-built and not afraid to show it through her general lack of clothing, broad of shoulder and of bust and hips, her body well-muscled and agile, with locks of curly red hair around her furry face, Lace is obviously a capable warrior. Though she seems like a deadly savage, more sabre-toothed tiger than sentient being, the light of intelligence in her kind green eyes is often enough to relax the fears of others.
B: Birth and Family
1) Where and when were you born? (Also good to include: Do you know your exact birthdate? Did anything unusual (storms, accidents, deaths, ect?) happen about the same time, with which some people might still associate your birthdate?)
2) Who are your parents? (Names, Occupations, Social class, Were they married?, Are they still alive? are all good things to include)
3) Do you have any siblings? (If so, it would be good to describe them as you did your parents above.)
4) Do you know any members of your extended family? (grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins? Also would be good to describe them as above)
5) How did you get along with your family?
Lace was born in the little apartment set above Grimm's bakery, when he and Saya were still quite poor and just working hard to stay afloat. Her birth was brought on through magical intervention, speeding up not only her time of birth, but also her rate of maturation, so that she developed to the flower to womanhood in a matter of two years, rather than eighteen. She has two sisters, twins, Silk and Satin, who grew at a similar rate of maturation, though their smaller overall size allowed them to reach full maturity in slightly less than two years. She is still good friends with her sisters and with her parents, though they have largely gone their separate ways. Saya acts as the heart of this family, however, and the lynchpin that keeps the three catfolk tied together, no matter how far they might go in the world.
C: Education and Work
1) Did you serve an apprenticeship in order to learn your current profession/class? For how long?
2) If you were not an apprentice, how did you learn your trade/skills/ect? Formal schooling? Informal Teachers? Self-Taught?
3) Who was your master or teacher? (Race? Gender? Appearance? Personality?) Is he/she still alive? How were you treated? Are/Were you on good terms with your master?
4) Did your teacher have any other apprentices or students? Who were they? Did you get along?
5) Due to the rarity of literacy in this setting, how important are books, writings, letters, ect. to your character? Regardless as to whether or not he/she can read?
6) Do you have a job other than "adventurer"? Who do you work for? How much of your time does this require?
As the daughter of a monk and a druid, Grimm and Saya's oldest daughter Lace (so named because Grimm prophetically declared that she would never wear it, or any other luxuries that might make her soft and weak) is at once tied to nature and to the ways of battle. However, while her parents could give her a certain degree of training, in the end she had to seek out her own mentor. This mentor is Raah Lionclaw, a white-furred simbani of royal lineage, who gave up his throne in order to serve the greater good of Therafim, rather than just Anubast, his homeland. She is Raah's only apprentice at this time, as his many duties require him to travel a great deal. This travel has also taken Lace's mentor away from her for extended periods, which leaves her to her own devices as often as not. Because of this, she has experienced a slower rate of development in experience compared to her younger sisters, Silk and Satin, but has also developed a far deeper understanding of the natural world that has come only through her personal experience.
D: Friends
1) Who were your friends as a child? As an adolescent? As an adult?
2) How many of these people are still alive? How many are you still friends with?
3) Who is/was your best friend? What is the most memorable thing that the two of you ever did together?
4) What do you look for in a friend?
5) Have you ever been in love? Was it reciprocated? Do you have (or have you had) a boy-/girlfriend, a lover, or a spouse? More than one? Are you looking for one? What do you look for in a romantic partner?
Because of her hastened childhood, Lace did not really connect with other children. Instead, she bonded to animals, starting with stray cats and dogs, and soon working her way up to wild animals as she started developing as a ranger. She has a crush on her mentor, Raah Lionclaw, but has yet to be in love. Actually, so much of the world is new for her that Lace most wants experience, more than anything else. She knows that she has lost a great deal through her rapid maturation, and now that she has gotten the chance to slow down and enjoy life a bit more, she has decided to take her time and enjoy each moment to the fullest.
E: Attitudes and Beliefs
1) What are your beliefs about religion and the afterlife? Do you follow any particular god or gods? What appeals to you most about this religion? Least?
2) Where do spirits of nature, the elements and the dead fit into these beliefs?
3) What gods, religions, or priesthoods will you have nothing to do with?
4) What is your moral code? Under what conditions will you kill? Steal? Lie? Do you have a personal code of behavior about violence? Magic? Sex? Dealing with Evil Beings?
5) How committed are you to seeing through something (a task, quest, bargain, ect) that you have started?
6) How important are the following to you?: Power, Wealth, Fame, Honor, Family, Friends, Love, Knowledge, Religion, Your job? To what lengths would you go to aquire or preserve these things?
7) How often do you remember your dreams? How much attention do you pay to them? Do they inspire you? Guide you? Inspire You? Warn you? Frighten You?
8) What is your attitude towards magic? People who use it? Fearsome monsters? The unknown in general?
Perhaps taking a cue from her father as well as her mother, Lace is quite devoted to Hathor, and also to Matra. The natural cycles of the world are a source of endless fascination to her, and she is deeply enamored of the ways of nature, and in being a part of it as much as she can. Spirits of nature and of the elements are part of that natural world, as is magic, so long as it is used correctly. Lace is very broad-minded, and willing to accept almost anything given the time to think it through. Her mind is fairly agile and she learns quickly when she puts herself to work on a subject of study. For this reason, Lace is quite easy to get along with, but also seems to others to have a certain shallowness, the natural result of her lack of personal experiences, and her lack of strong convictions on most subjects. She is, however, devoted to saving the lives of good-hearted people whenever possible, taking after the teachings of her mentor, Raah Lionclaw, and seeking for the greater good of the world as she understands it. Power, wealth and fame are things that Lace doesn't really understand, or care to understand. Family, friends, and love are things she understands, and will do anything to support. She doesn't really have a code of honor in a civilized sense, taking after a more primitive code. She regularly receives communications from the spirit world, from ancestors in the distant, long-forgotten past, from creatures like herself that guide her and tutor her in the ways of her people during a far more dangerous time. These teachings are at once enlightening and terrifying for Lace, but she does not turn away, sensing somehow that they deal in part with her role in Therafim's history.
F: Edges and Flaws
1) What are you especially good at? What sets you apart from the rest of the world? A skill? An unusual knack? A certain flair of style or wit?
2) What flaws do you have? Bad habits? Obsessions? Terrible (or embarassing) secrets?
3) Do you have any enemies? How much trouble do those conflicts cause you?
In combat, Lace is especially skilled at two-weapon fighting, her style very similar to the clawing method used by felines of all sizes, wild and unrestrained, but graceful and controlled as well. She has an unusual knack for understanding felines of all types, and also for hunting rats and other rodents, especially monstrous rodents and their kin. Her hunting ability extends to other species, and she has a natural affinity for the wilderness, preferring to live and work in solitude. Though she is largely without dark secrets or obsessions, Lace does have a weakness for the occasional dose of catnip, though she does her best not to overindulge, especially when she knows she needs her faculties clear. Though she has not gotten enough experience to accumulate a large number of enemies, Lace is strongly disliked, and even hated by a few, of the wererats of Avalon City's sewer systems. She and they dislike each other intensely, and any meeting between them will probably end in flight or bloodshed.
G: Likes and Dislikes
1) What do you love? (People? Places? Creatures? Kinds of Food? Activities? Subjects?)
2) What do you hate? How do you typically react to these hated things?
3) What do you fear? What is your worst nightmare?
Being allowed to simply live the simple life is one of Lace's great loves. She adores hunting, fishing, swimming, running, playing - anything she can do away from others. Lace has found that she can measure her degree of real freedom by how much clothing she has to wear in a given situation, and has a very marked preference for situations where she can wear as little clothing as possible. This is not so troubling, though, because she does look quite natural even while naked. She hates creatures of unnatural origins, such as evil extraplanars and the undead, as well as most abberations, and will do whatever she can to slay them. Her worst fear is to be enslaved and removed from her beloved wild lands, forced to dwell in "civilized" lands instead, and she would rather die than give up this freedom. This also leads her to defend the freedoms of others, and she becomes willing to kill to defend the rights of others.
H: Miscellaneous
1) Describe your first encounter with a nonhuman monster. (Not counting player races, animals, ect that you grew up with, but feel free to mention them too)
2) If you are a spellcaster, describe your first experience with using magic. What were the circumstances? Were you expecting it?
3) If you have an animal companion or familiar, describe how you acquired it. Describe this ally's personality, and its attitude towards you. (Loyal unto death, mischievous, lazy, etc)
4) If you have any unusual possessions, describe how you aquired them. Is their value practical, monetary, sentimental or some combination of these?
5) Please describe your characters general background, this may be any length you wish, but at least one paragraph. You may use any or all of the information above, or new information not covered. (Encouraged)
Lace's first encounter with monsters were the dire rats of Avalon City's sewers. Fighting these creatures on commission by the city is how she earned extra money, but also is how she earned the ire of Avalon City's wererat population. So far she has not been in too many encounters with these deadly lycanthropes, but they both hold grudges against each other from their brief encounters to date.
Thus far, Lace has not acquired either magic or an animal companion. However, magic is very likely to simply flow into her when it comes, as a part of her natural progression as she develops her affinity with the natural world. Lacking the same level of discipline as her mother, she follows the ranger's path partway between warrior and caster, and so is unlikely to ever truly excel at the use of magic, but she is nevertheless comfortable with being around most magic (barring necromancy, which she dislikes greatly). The sabrekitty is also likely to develop several animal friends, with a single, pampered favorite. This favorite animal companion is one that she will likely spoil terribly, but with whom she will share a deep and abiding friendship. Lace will probably only form a proper companionship with an animal that regards her as an equal as well as a friend, and is willing to do all it can for her in the same way that she will do all she can for it, quid pro quo. This means that she is most likely to develop a relationship with a feline of some sort.