Quel'Saada | |
![]() |
Aliases: | The Flesh-Whisperer |
Age: | 15 |
Fur: | Ink Black |
Hair: | Silver |
Eyes: | Vermilion |
Height: | 6'7 |
Weight: | 250 |
Race: | Small Ungulate |
Class: | Healer 1 |
Alignment: | Chaotic Good |
Deity: | Tamara |
Level: | 1 |
Experience: | 0 |
Hit Points: | 10/10 |
Gold: | 786 gp |
Current Status: | Active |
Character Themesong: | Brother Moon - Amorphis |
Played by Sawbones |
- Description
- Stats & Combat
- skills
- Feats
- Class Abilities
- Race
- Familiar/Companion
- Equipment
- Spells
- Adventures
- Background
Quel is a statuesque woman with a fine layer of soft, obsidian fur. Her features are angular and long, but heavily favor the human side of her heritage. A small, opalescent horn curls its way out of her forehead and a silvery main coils its way in mad waves down her entire back. Her legs are double jointed and end in pale, cloven white hooves, and her hands are squared off but heavily dexterous. She carries herself with an air of subdued calm and grace, and she smells always of cocoa and orange. Her cobalt eyes are gentle, and her lips are usually curled into a soft, sweet smile.
She often eschews clothing beyond simple shifts and robes, things that allow her freedom of movement. Her tail is randomly braided and decorated in various spots with feathers and beads, as is her mane. She is often seen carrying reagents and pouches full of strange concoctions.
Stats |
STR | DEX | CON | INT | WIS | CHA | |
Score | 10 | 12 | 14 | 16 | 18 | 16 |
Bonus | +0 | +1 | +2 | +3 | +4 | +3 |
Score | - | - | - | - | - | - |
Bonus | - | - | - | - | - | - |
Combat |
Initiative | +1 | BaB | +0 | Grapple | -0 |
Conditional defense Modifiers Here |
Defense | Ttl | Bonuses | Save | Ttl | Bonuses | |
AC | 15 | +1 Dex +3 Armor +1 Size Mod. | Fortitude | +4 | +2 Class +2 Con | |
Flat | 14 | +3 Armor +1 Size Mod. | Reflex | +1 | +1 Dex | |
Touch | 12 | +1 Dex +1 Size Mod. | Will | +6 | +2 Class +4 Wis |
Conditional offense modifier Here |
Offense | Attack | Damage | Type | CritRng | CritDmg | Range |
Longspear | +0 | 1d8+0 | Piercing|x3 | 3d8 | Melee |
Offense | Attack | Damage | Type | CritRng | CritDmg | Range |
Light Crossbow | +0 | 1d8 | Piercing|19-20/×2 | 2d8 | 80ft |
Ammo | Qty |
Crossbow Bolt | 100 |
Spells per Day | conditional DC modifier here |
Class | Lv0 | Lv1 | Lv2 | Lv3 | Lv4 | Lv5 | Lv6 | Lv7 | Lv8 | Lv9 |
DC | 14 | 15 | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
Spells | 4 | 3 | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
C | U | Skills | Rnk | Abi | Syn | Msc | Mag | Ttl |
- | U | Climb (Str) | + 0 | + 0 | + 0 | + 2 | + 0 | + 2 |
- | U | Jump (Str) | + 0 | + 0 | + 0 | + 5 | + 0 | + 5 |
- | U | Swim (Str) | + 0 | + 0 | + 0 | + 0 | + 0 | + 0 |
- | U | Balance (Dex) | + 0 | + 1 | + 0 | + 2 | + 0 | + 3 |
- | U | Escape Artist (Dex) | + 0 | + 1 | + 0 | + 0 | + 0 | + 1 |
- | U | Hide (Dex) | + 0 | + 1 | + 0 | + 4 | + 0 | + 5 |
- | U | Move Silently (Dex) | + 0 | + 1 | + 0 | + 0 | + 0 | + 1 |
- | - | Open Lock (Dex) | + 0 | + 1 | + 0 | + 0 | + 0 | + 1 |
- | U | Ride (Dex) | + 0 | + 1 | + 0 | + 0 | + 0 | + 1 |
- | - | Sleight of Hand (Dex) | + 0 | + 1 | + 0 | + 0 | + 0 | + 1 |
- | - | Tumble (Dex) | + 0 | + 1 | + 0 | + 0 | + 0 | + 1 |
- | U | Use Rope (Dex) | + 0 | + 1 | + 0 | + 0 | + 0 | + 1 |
C | U | Concentration (Con) | + 4 | + 2 | + 0 | + 0 | + 0 | + 6 |
- | U | Appraise (Int) | + 0 | + 3 | + 0 | + 0 | + 0 | + 3 |
C | U | Craft (Int) | + 1 | + 3 | + 0 | + 0 | + 0 | + 4 |
- | - | Decipher Script (Int) | + 0 | + 3 | + 0 | + 0 | + 0 | + 3 |
- | - | Disable Device (Int) | + 0 | + 3 | + 0 | + 0 | + 0 | + 3 |
- | U | Forgery (Int) | + 0 | + 3 | + 0 | + 0 | + 0 | + 3 |
C | - | Knowledge (Int) | + 2 | + 3 | + 0 | + 0 | + 0 | + 5 |
- | U | Search (Int) | + 0 | + 4 | + 0 | + 0 | + 0 | + 3 |
C | - | Spellcraft (Int) | + 4 | + 3 | + 0 | + 0 | + 0 | + 7 |
C | U | Heal (Wis) | + 4 | + 4 | + 0 | + 0 | + 0 | + 8 |
- | U | Listen (Wis) | + 0 | + 4 | + 0 | + 0 | + 0 | + 4 |
C | - | Profession (Wis) | + 1 | + 4 | + 0 | + 0 | + 0 | + 5 |
C | U | Sense Motive (Wis) | + 0 | + 4 | + 0 | + 0 | + 0 | + 4 |
- | U | Spot (Wis) | + 0 | + 4 | + 0 | + 0 | + 0 | + 4 |
C | U | Survival (Wis) | + 2 | + 4 | + 0 | + 0 | + 0 | + 6 |
- | U | Bluff (Cha) | + 0 | + 3 | + 0 | + 0 | + 0 | + 3 |
C | U | Diplomacy (Cha) | + 4 | + 3 | + 0 | + 0 | + 0 | + 7 |
- | U | Disguise (Cha) | + 0 | + 3 | + 0 | + 0 | + 0 | + 3 |
- | U | Gather Information (Cha) | + 0 | + 3 | + 0 | + 0 | + 0 | + 3 |
C | - | Handle Animal (Cha) | + 2 | + 3 | + 0 | + 0 | + 0 | + 5 |
- | U | Intimidate (Cha) | + 0 | + 3 | + 0 | + 0 | + 0 | + 3 |
- | U | Perform (Cha) | + 0 | + 3 | + 0 | + 0 | + 0 | + 3 |
- | - | Use Magic Device (Cha) | + 0 | + 3 | + 0 | + 0 | + 0 | + 3 |
- | - | Speak Language | + 2 |
Skill Points | 28 |
-U = usable untrained
-C = class skill
Craft | Knowledge | Perform | Profession | |
Repair | Religions | N/A | Blacksmith | |
Skill Trick | Language | |||
N/A | Common | Runnertongue | Carnivon | Auran |
Level 1 - Fey Heritage:
You are descended from creatures native to the fey realms. You are naturally resistant to the most common effects produced by your ancestors.
Prerequisite: Nonlawful alignment.
Benefit: You gain a +3 bonus on Will saving throws against enchantment effects.
Level 3 - Feat: Desorption
Level 6 - Feat: Description
Level 9 - Feat: Description
Level 12 - Feat: Description
Level 15 - Feat: Description
Level 18 - Feat: Description
Healer 1
Healing Hands (EX):
Whenever a healer casts a spell that cures hit point damage, she adds her Charisma modifier to the amount of damage healed. For instance, if a 5th-level healer with an 18 Charisma casts cure light wounds, she cures 1d8+5 points of damage normally, plus an additional 4 points of damage due to her Charisma bonus. This bonus applies only to spells of the healing subschool that she casts as a healer, not to those that she may have by virtue of levels in another class.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency:
Healers are proficient with all simple weapons and with light armor. Additionally, a healer who uses metal armor or any kind of shield is severely hampered.
A healer casts divine spells, which are drawn from the healer spell list.
Skill Focus (Heal):
A healer’s focused training grants her this bonus feat at 2nd level. If she already has that feat, she may choose a different one.
Cleanse Paralysis (Su):
A healer deals with certain kinds of maladies so often that eventually she can cure them without resorting to a spell. At 3rd level, a healer gains the ability to cleanse paralysis once per day, as if casting a remove paralysis spell.
Cleanse Disease (Su):
At 4th level, a healer gains the ability to cleanse disease once per day, as if casting a remove disease spell.
Cleanse Fear (Su):
At 5th level, a healer gains the ability to cleanse fear once per day, as if casting a remove fear spell.
Cleanse Poison (Su):
At 6th level, a healer gains the ability to cleanse poison once per day, as if casting a neutralize poison spell.
Effortless Healing (Ex):
At 7th level, a healer has learned to cast spells of the healing subschool with minimal effort. She may cast such spells without provoking attacks of opportunity. This ability applies only to spells of the healing subschool that she casts as a healer, not to those that she may have by virtue of levels in another class.
Unicorn Companion (Ex):
When a healer attains 8th level, the deities recognize her devotion and grant her a celestial unicorn companion as her mount and aide.
Cleanse Blindness (Su):
At 9th level, a healer gains the ability to cleanse blindness once per day, as if casting a remove blindness/deafness spell.
Cleanse Spirit (Su):
At 10th level, a healer gains the ability to restore a creature to health once per day, as if casting a greater restoration spell.
Cleanse Petrification (Su):
At 13th level, a healer gains the ability to restore a petrified creature to health once per day, as if casting a stone to flesh spell.
New Limb (Su):
At 15th level, a healer gains the ability to regrow a creature’s lost or damaged body part once per day, as if casting a regenerate spell.
New Life (Su):
Once per week, a 20th-level healer can bring a dead creature back to life, as if casting a true resurrection spell.
Racial Bonuses
+2 Dexterity
40' Movement.
Light Build:
Thanks to their slighter builds and more agile bodies, beastfolk with light build receive a +1 size modifier to AC, as well as a +4 to Hide checks. In addition, those with light build can use weapons and armor designed for creatures one size smaller without penalty, and can fit through tight spaces as though they were one size category smaller. Despite these advantages, those with light build count as their normal racial size for determining space and reach. This ability stacks with powers, abilities, and spells that affect size category.
+2 to all Balance and Climb checks.
Low-light Vision.
Name of Companion Here
Companion Description here (not required)
Str | Dex | Con | Int | Wis | Cha |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
+0 | +0 | +0 | +0 | +0 | +0 |
Initiative | +0 | BaB | +0 | Graple | +0 |
Defense | Ttl | Bonuses | Save | Ttl | Bonuses | |
AC | 10+Bonuses Here | Bonuses Here | Fortitude | total bonus here | bonuses here | |
Flat | 10+Bonuses Here | Bonuses Here | Reflex | total bonus here | bonuses here | |
Touch | 10+Bonuses Here | Bonuses Here | Will | total bonus here | bonuses here |
Conditional offense modifier Here |
Offense | Attack | Damage | Type | CritRng | CritDmg | Range |
Longspear | +0 | 1d8+0 | Piercing | x3 | 3d6+0 | Melee |
Offense | Attack | Damage | Type | CritRng | CritDmg | Range |
Light Crossbow | +0 | 1d8 | Piercing | 19-20/×2 | 2d6 | Ranged |
Skills | Rnk | Abi | Syn | Msc | Mag | Ttl |
Skill (Stat) | + 0 | + 0 | + 0 | + 0 | + 0 | + 0 |
situational Skill bonuses here |
Feat - Description
Special Qualities
Special Quality - Description
Special Attacks:
Special Attack - Description
Weapon | Damage | Crit | Range | Type | Notes |
Longspear | 1d8+0 | x3 | Melee | Piercing | N/a |
Weapon | Damage | Crit | Range | Type | Notes |
Light Crossbow | 1d8 | 19-20/×2 | 80ft | Piercing | N/a |
Ammo | Qty |
Crossbow Bolts | 100 |
Protective Item | AC | Type | MD | ACP | SF | Move | Notes |
Buckskin | +3 | Armor | +6 | 0 | 10% | 30ft/20ft | N/A |
Slot | Item | Description |
Head | Item Here | Description Here |
Face | Item Here | Description Here |
Neck | Item Here | Description Here |
Shoulders | Item Here | Description Here |
Torso | Buckskin | This armor is composed of reinforced buckskin. |
Arms | Item Here | Description Here |
Hands | Item Here | Description Here |
Right Ring | Item Here | Description Here |
Left Ring | Item Here | Description Here |
Waist | Item Here | Description Here |
Feet | Item Here | Description Here |
Pack | Item Here | Description Here |
List of Items Here:
Statistics of Items Here:
Healer Spells
Class Cantrips
Cure Minor Wounds - Cures 1 point of damage.
Mending - Makes minor repairs on an object.
Purify Food and Drink - Purifies 1 cu. ft./level of food or water.
Read Magic - Read scrolls and spellbooks.
Class 1:
Cure Light Wounds - Cures 1d8 damage +1/level (max +5).
Sanctuary - Opponents can’t attack you, and you can’t attack.
Speak With Animals - You can communicate with animals.
Adventure Here - Adventure Notes here
Character History:
Quel'Saada is the product of a union between a feyblooded woman and a rather dark-tempered ungulate, the chief of a small tribe of beastfolk that made a living on farming, hunting, and the occasional raid. Fortunately for Quel's mother the union was a willing one, her father having liberated her mother from slavery to an enemy tribe. However, the faerie blood showed itself in a very bizarre manner with the half-blooded beastgirl; she inherited the dark pelt of her father, but received the pale hair of her mother as well as a strange, corkscrewing pearlescent horn in the center of her forehead.
She had a natural propensity towards the healing arts, and her personality was far more calm and even than those of most of her more wild tribe. However she was possessed with a streak of mischief that often found itself at odds with her very practical people. She was a diligent worker however, and so her work ethic afforded her the occasional moment or three of play. Her kindness and willingness to work with those who returned injured from the hunt made her very popular in the village.
The raid on her village came on the night of her fourteenth birthday. Her people were murdered, but most were simply enslaved by a surprisingly cunning pack of Wolfen marauders. Most were put to work as slaves for farming, building, and generally tending this new village of predators while the Wolfen themselves hunted and generally terrorized the countryside. Quel was kept in a lodge of sorts, used as a midwife and healer. She was mostly allowed to remain untouched due to the 'spirits' the shaman of the lodge claimed to see around her. Quel did her best to adapt to her situation, focusing on the act of healing rather than focusing on WHO she was healing. Her mind began to associate the healing as more important than whether or not the person in question 'deserved' to be healed or not. It was a sign of Stockholm syndrome to be certain, but it also gave her a very strong code of ethics. All were given the touch of her healing hands after a time regardless of their perceived sins.
Quel's luck changed for the better when a beautiful and injured Avariel by the name of Hope happened upon this wolfen tribe. Perhaps it was the aura of power she radiated; perhaps it was simply the fact that she looked like a gorgeous angel of death reborn. In any case, instead of preying upon the woman the wolfen of the tribe took it upon themselves to offer her aid. She was brought to the lodge where Quel sat waiting, a crude leather collar biting into her neck. Quel worked with near-otherworldly diligence and patience to ensure the woman's full recovery. During that time, Hope learned of Quel's lot in life; her fae blood, her slavery, her miserable existence here chained up forever in a single room. Something about her plight struck a chord with Hope; perhaps it was merely the fae blood mingling so strangely with beastfolk and human genetics. Perhaps it was the girl's ability to heal without the aid of a God. Perhaps Hope was simply bored that day and wanted an exotic pet. In any case, Hope laid on the barter and charm and a few coins later Quel found herself in the company of the Avariel.
Hope brought her to the city of Avalon. Strangely enough, Quel was no longer expected to wear the collar; Hope sliced the grotty bit of leather away for her. For the most part the fey beastfolk is allowed freedom to do as she wishes, but there is a sense of debt there; Quel feels an inordinate amount of loyalty to Hope, viewing the capricious woman as something of a savior. Perhaps that is why Hope allowed her freedom; it is easier to rule a subject that loves you than a subject that resents you.