Silk | |
![]() |
Aliases: | That blasted cat! |
Age: | 15 |
Hair: | Blond |
Eyes: | Blue |
Height: | 5' 3" |
Weight: | 94 |
Race: | Beastfolk Small Cat |
Class: | Monk 2 Psychic Warrior 8 |
Alignment: | Lawful Neutral |
Level: | 10 |
Experience: | 49,585/55,000 |
Hit Points: | 127/127 |
Gold: | 21,250 Gold |
Current Status: | Active |
Played by Lisa J |
- Description
- Abilities & Skills
- Feats & Class Abilities
- Grappling Specifics
- Equipment
- Manifestations
- Background
- Questionnaire
- Theme Song
A young catwoman with blond hair and blue eyes, Silk is of sinewy build with a leopard spot pattern to her fur normally, but thanks to a Polymorph Spell she paid for, Silk has given herself a whole new look to express her own individuality. Her underbelly is white with the rest of her fur is black and deep orange with a tiger stripe pattern.
Never seen in any kind of a dress, Silk dresses in shirts and pants that are baggy but fit to her form nicely. Her hands are wrapped or gloved and she rarely wears shoes.
Ability | Score | Mod | Temp Score | Temp Mod |
Strength | 18 | +4 | 20 | +5 |
Dexterity | 18 | +4 | 20 | +5 |
Constitution | 12 | +1 | 14 | +2 |
Intelligence | 10 | 0 | +0 | +0 |
Wisdom | 20 | +5 | 24 | +7 |
Charisma | 10 | +0 | 0 | +0 |
Temp Mod Used to track Magic Item bonuses etc
Armor Class | |
Total | Base 10 + Dexterity (5) + Size (0) + Racial (1) + Wisdom (7) + Class (2) +Items (1) = 26 |
Flat-Footed | 18 |
Touch | 26 |
Saving Throws | Base | Bonus | Total |
Fortitude | +9 | +4 | +13 |
Reflex | +6 | +6 | +12 |
Will | +6 | +7 | +13 |
BAB | Mod | Total Range/Melee |
+7/+2 | +Dex(5)/+Str (5) | +12/8, +13/+9(Weapon Focus) |
Flurry of Blows: +14/+14/+10/+10 (Unbuffed, Weapon Focus) |
Initiative |
Dex = +7 |
Skills | Ranks | Stat Bonus | Synergy | Magical Bonuses | Total | |
C | Autohypnosis (Wis) | +5 | +7 | +0 | +0 | +12 |
X | Appraise (Int) | +0 | +0 | +0 | +0 | +0 |
C | Balance (Dex) | +6 | +5 | +0 | +4 | +15 |
X | Bluff (Cha) | +0 | +0 | +0 | +10 | +10 |
C | Climb (Str) | +0 | +4 | +0 | +0 | +4 |
C | Concentration (Con) | +7 | +2 | +0 | +9 | +18 |
C | Craft (Int) | +0 | +0 | +0 | +0 | +0 |
X | Decipher Script (Int) | +0 | +0 | +0 | +0 | +0 |
C | Diplomacy (Cha) | +0 | +0 | +0 | +0 | +0 |
X | Disable Device (Int) | +0 | +0 | +0 | +0 | +0 |
X | Disguise (Cha) | +0 | +0 | +0 | +0 | +0 |
C | Escape Artist (Dex) | +4 | +5 | +0 | +0 | +9 |
X | Forgery (Int) | +0 | +0 | +0 | +0 | +0 |
X | Gather Information (Cha) | +0 | +0 | +0 | +0 | +0 |
X | Handle Animal (Cha) | +0 | +0 | +0 | +0 | +0 |
X | Heal (Wis) | +0 | +5 | +0 | +0 | +5 |
C | Hide (Dex) | +2 | +4 | +0 | +4 | +10 |
X | Intimidate (Cha) | +0 | +0 | +0 | +0 | +0 |
C | Jump (Str) | +3 | +5 | +0 | +0 | +8 |
C | Knowledge (Arcana, Religion) (Int) | +2 | +0 | +0 | +0 | +2 |
C | Listen (Wis) | +0 | +7 | +0 | +2 | +9 |
C | Move Silently (Dex) | +0 | +5 | +0 | +2 | +7 |
X | Open Lock (Dex) | +0 | +5 | +0 | +0 | +5 |
C | Perform (Cha) | +0 | +0 | +0 | +0 | +0 |
C | Profession (Wis) | +0 | +7 | +0 | +0 | +7 |
X | Ride (Dex) | +0 | +5 | +0 | +0 | +5 |
X | Search (Int) | +0 | +0 | +0 | +0 | +0 |
C | Sense Motive (Wis) | +0 | +7 | +0 | +0 | +7 |
X | Sleight of Hand (Dex) | +0 | +4 | +0 | +0 | +4 |
X | Speak Language (n/a) | +0 | +0 | +0 | +0 | +0 |
X | Spellcraft (Int) | +0 | +0 | +0 | +0 | +0 |
C | Spot (Wis) | +3 | +7 | +0 | +0 | +10 |
X | Survival (Wis) | +0 | +7 | +0 | +0 | +7 |
C | Swim (Str) | +0 | +5 | +0 | +0 | +5 |
C | Tumble (Dex) | +6 | +5 | +0 | +4 | +15 |
X | Use Magic Device (Cha) | +0 | +0 | +0 | +0 | +0 |
X | Use Rope (Dex) | +0 | +5 | +0 | +0 | +5 |
(C= Class Skill, X = Cross class for my own sanity)
Languages Known: Common, Literate.
Skill Tricks:
-None yet-
Skill Points 4+ Int Modifier X4 at level 1,
4 +int mod per level (Monk)
2 +int mod per level (PsiW)
1st (MK)16,
2nd (MK)20,
3rd (PW)22,
4th (PW) 24
5th (PW) 26
6th (PW) 28
7th (PW) 30
8th (PW) 32
9th (PW) 34
10 (PW) 36
Monk Bonus: Improved Grapple
Monk 1: Toughness
Monk 2: Combat Reflexes
Level 1: Monastic Training (Psychic Warrior)
Level 3: Weapon Focus:Unarmed Strikes
Level 6: Combat Manifestation
Level 9: Earth's Embrace
Psychic Warrior 1: Tashalatora(Psychic Warrior)
Psychic Warrior 2: Practiced Manifester
Psychic Warrior 5: Power Attack
Psychic Warrior 8: Cleave
Rep Feats
Improved Natural Attack
Superior Unarmed Attack
Scorpion's Grasp
Class Abilities:
Psychic Warrior
Racial Abilities:
(Small Feline)
+2 Dexterity, +2 Charisma, -2 Constitution
-30' Movement.
-Padfoot: +2 racial bonus on Listen and Move Silently checks.
-Unerring Balance: +4 bonus to Balance checks, +4 to Tumble checks.
-Light Build: Thanks to their slighter builds and more agile bodies, beastfolk with light build receive a +1 size modifier to AC, as well as a +4 to Hide checks. In addition, those with light build can use weapons and armor designed for creatures one size smaller without penalty, and can fit through tight spaces as though they were one size category smaller. Despite these advantages, those with light build count as their normal racial size for determining space and reach. This ability stacks with powers, abilities, and spells that affect size category.
-Low-light Vision.
Size: +0
B.A.B: +7/+2
Str Mod: +5
Improved Grapple Feat: +4
Current Grapple score: +16/+11
To Grapple:
- 1d20+16, 1d20+11 (Unbuffed)
- 1d20+20, 1d20+15 (With Grip of Iron)
- 1d20+24, 1d20+19 (With Grip of Iron + Expansion into Large Size)
Grappling Rules:
Repeatedly in a grapple, you need to make opposed grapple checks against an opponent. A grapple check is like a melee attack roll. Your attack bonus on a grapple check is:
Base attack bonus + Strength modifier + special size modifier
Special Size Modifier
The special size modifier for a grapple check is as follows: Colossal +16, Gargantuan +12, Huge +8, Large +4, Medium +0, Small -4, Tiny -8, Diminutive -12, Fine -16. Use this number in place of the normal size modifier you use when making an attack roll.
Starting a Grapple
To start a grapple, you need to grab and hold your target. Starting a grapple requires a successful melee attack roll. If you get multiple attacks, you can attempt to start a grapple multiple times (at successively lower base attack bonuses).
Step 1
Attack of Opportunity. You provoke an attack of opportunity from the target you are trying to grapple. If the attack of opportunity deals damage, the grapple attempt fails. (Certain monsters do not provoke attacks of opportunity when they attempt to grapple, nor do characters with the Improved Grapple feat.) If the attack of opportunity misses or fails to deal damage, proceed to Step 2.
Step 2
Grab. You make a melee touch attack to grab the target. If you fail to hit the target, the grapple attempt fails. If you succeed, proceed to Step 3.
Step 3
Hold. Make an opposed grapple check as a free action.
If you succeed, you and your target are now grappling, and you deal damage to the target as if with an unarmed strike.
If you lose, you fail to start the grapple. You automatically lose an attempt to hold if the target is two or more size categories larger than you are.
In case of a tie, the combatant with the higher grapple check modifier wins. If this is a tie, roll again to break the tie.
Step 4
Maintain Grapple. To maintain the grapple for later rounds, you must move into the target’s space. (This movement is free and doesn’t count as part of your movement in the round.)
Moving, as normal, provokes attacks of opportunity from threatening opponents, but not from your target.
If you can’t move into your target’s space, you can’t maintain the grapple and must immediately let go of the target. To grapple again, you must begin at Step 1.
Grappling Consequences
While you’re grappling, your ability to attack others and defend yourself is limited.
No Threatened Squares:
You don’t threaten any squares while grappling.
No Dexterity Bonus:
You lose your Dexterity bonus to AC (if you have one) against opponents you aren’t grappling. (You can still use it against opponents you are grappling.)
No Movement:
You can’t move normally while grappling. You may, however, make an opposed grapple check to move while grappling.
If You’re Grappling:
When you are grappling (regardless of who started the grapple), you can perform any of the following actions. Some of these actions take the place of an attack (rather than being a standard action or a move action). If your base attack bonus allows you multiple attacks, you can attempt one of these actions in place of each of your attacks, but at successively lower base attack bonuses.
Damage Your Opponent
While grappling, you can deal damage to your opponent equivalent to an unarmed strike. Make an opposed grapple check in place of an attack. If you win, you deal nonlethal damage as normal for your unarmed strike (1d3 points for Medium attackers or 1d2 points for Small attackers, plus Strength modifiers). If you want to deal lethal damage, you take a -4 penalty on your grapple check.
Exception: Monks deal more damage on an unarmed strike than other characters, and the damage is lethal. However, they can choose to deal their damage as nonlethal damage when grappling without taking the usual -4 penalty for changing lethal damage to nonlethal damage.
Pin Your Opponent
You can hold your opponent immobile for 1 round by winning an opposed grapple check (made in place of an attack). Once you have an opponent pinned, you have a few options available to you.
You can attempt to damage your opponent with an opposed grapple check, you can attempt to use your opponent’s weapon against him, or you can attempt to move the grapple (all described above). At your option, you can prevent a pinned opponent from speaking.
You can use a disarm action to remove or grab away a well secured object worn by a pinned opponent, but he gets a +4 bonus on his roll to resist your attempt.
You may voluntarily release a pinned character as a free action; if you do so, you are no longer considered to be grappling that character (and vice versa).
You can’t draw or use a weapon (against the pinned character or any other character), escape another’s grapple, retrieve a spell component, pin another character, or break another’s pin while you are pinning an opponent.
A concise list of Silk's Equipment.
Weapon | Attack Bonus | Damage | Crit | Damage Type | ||
Bare Hands | +12 | 2d8+5 | 20/x2 | B | ||
Deep Crystal Nunchuku | +12 | 1d6+6 | 20/X2 | B | ||
Light Crossbow | +11 | 1d8 | 19/20 2X | P | ||
Armour / Shield | Armour/Shield Bonus | Max Dex | Armour Check | Arcane Spell Failure | Movement Speed | Weight |
None | +Wis Bonus (+6) | - | - | - | 30ft | 0lb |
Slot | Item | Description |
Head | Headband of Conscious Effort | 1/day make a Concentration Check for Fort Saves. |
Face | Blind Fold of True Darkness | Grants Blindsight 30' |
Neck | Periapt of Wisdom | +4 to Wisdom |
Shoulders | Cloak of Resistance +1 | +1 to all Saves |
Torso | Tunic of Steady Spellcasting | +5 to Concentration Checks |
Arms | Bracers of Armor | +1 AC |
Hands | Gloves of Angry Ogre Power | +2 strength, +2 Dex |
Right Ring | Ring of Protection | +1 Deflection Bonus, AC |
Left Ring | Ring of Evasion | This ring continually grants the wearer the ability to avoid damage as if she had evasion. Whenever she makes a Reflex saving throw to determine whether she takes half damage, a successful save results in no damage. |
Waist | Belt of Enduring Battle | Spend 1, 2 or 3 charges for extra actions, Constant +2 to Init, +2 Con. |
Feet | Boots of Agile Leaping | Stand From Prone, Swift Action |
Pack | See Below for items in Backpack |
Backpack Items
Bedroll: 1sp
Blanket, Winter: 5sp
Crowbar: 2gp
Fishing net: 4gp
Grappling hook: 1gp
Hooded Lantern: 7gp
Oil X3: 3sp
Pouch, Belt: 1 GP
Sack: 1sp
Tent: 10Gp
Torch X3: 3 CP
Silk Rope: 10 Gp
Potion: Cure Light Wounds X2, 100 Gp
Potion: Protection From Evil X3, 150 GP
Potion: Magic Fang X3, 150 GP
Ring of Contraception: 150 GP
Arousal Potion.
Healer's belt
Psychic Warrior Manifestations
Power Points:39
Power Points Per round: 8
Powers Known: 8
Power Level: 3
Inertial Armor
Grip of Iron
Precognition, Defensive
Precognition, Offensive
Adrenaline Boost
Lion's Charge, Psionic
Character History:
A catwoman with a cheetah-spot pattern to her fur and blonde hair, Silk is the older twin sister of Satin. While looks between the twins are so identical its frightening, it only takes a moment of looking her over that there is one small difference: Silk's eyes are blue, while Satin's are red. Though well educated by their parents Grim and Saya, unlike her sibling who is patient and easy going and observant, Silk is passionate, hot tempered and energetic; she can't sit still for long and hates to be cooped up. Some have even joking said that one would have to tie her down to get her to study. Moreso, like her sister, has a penchant for mischief which has earned her the moniker: “That Blasted Cat!” By some of the townsfolk, Much to their parents chagrin and delight.
A very active person, Silk practices parkour and a martial art style that she's adapted to her own tastes consisting of Tauros grappleing techniques, Capoeria kick fighting and Psionic Martial Arts. . If one sits still and watches for awhile, they may see her small and lithe form running through the streets, vaulting up stalls and clamoring quickly onto rooftops and down again. To think her an undisciplined lout, however is folly: despite her fun loving and energetic demeanor, Silk takes some things in life, like training, very seriously.
Recent: In an expression of individuality, Silk has commissioned a priestess to cast upon her a Perfection of Form Spell, giving her a new appearance and making her look somewhat different from her twin sister. This was done not out of rebellion or anger; she chose to do this because of "womanly" feelings within her that were beginning to come out.
Recent: Having completed her training in kick dancing, judo, and tantric, Silk has embarked on a journey of the self, learning an ancient martial art that will mesh the three styles together. One that strikes a body's pressure points to not cause pleasure rather it destroys a body from the inside out…
A: Appearance
1) Describe yourself as someone meeting you for the first time would see you. (Race?, Gender?, Age?, Size? Coloration? Attractiveness?, Dress? Do you try to emphasize or hide any of these features?)
2) What other details would someone notice on a closer look? (Distinguishing marks, birthmarks, scars, etc?)
3) Do you have a distinctive way of speaking or any other mannerisms or memorable behavior?
Of sinewy build; lean, muscular but lithe, Silk barely stands five feet tall and weighs just over oune hundred pounds. Though not as shapely as her twin sister, Satin, Silk has curves in all the right places , short blonde hair and crystal blue eyes. Silk also tends to dress in pants and shirts, wears shoes when she has too and usually has her hands taped up to the wrist like a wrestler or grappler. When spoken to, the tiger-striped catwoman comes across as a bit of a tom boy, having a visible disdain for being “girly” and dressing such.
B: Birth and Family
1) Where and when were you born? (Also good to include: Do you know your exact birthdate? Did anything unusual (storms, accidents, deaths, etc?) happen about the same time, with which some people might still associate your birthdate?)
2) Who are your parents? (Names, Occupations, Social class, Were they married?, Are they still alive? are all good things to include)
3) Do you have any siblings? (If so, it would be good to describe them as you did your parents above.)
4) Do you know any members of your extended family? (grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins? Also would be good to describe them as above)
5) How did you get along with your family?
Born and raised in Avalon city, she grew up rather quickly which sort of lends to her somewhat perky and tomboyish behavior. (The reason for this is very unknown, but both she and Satin have adapted nicely). Her parents, still alive, were a pair of noteworthy characters in the lands of Therafim. Grimm, a martial arts monk and Saya, a nature loving druidess, she is one of three children from the pair. A bit of a “middle child” Silk is usually brash, passionate, but hot tempered, which has landed her in the soup from time to time, but she always gets out of it…which in turn also landed her grounded by her parents. Lace is the eldest and Satin is the youngest of the twins with Silk being only 10 minutes her elder, yet Satin treats her sister as a younger, keeping her on the straight and narrow sometimes, but putting the two together in a battle situation means trouble for their enemies; they almost shadow one another.
Silk loves her family, and she was raised well, even with the trouble she would get into.
C: Education and Work
1) Did you serve an apprenticeship in order to learn your current profession/class? For how long?
2) If you were not an apprentice, how did you learn your trade/skills/ect? Formal schooling? Informal Teachers? Self-Taught?
3) Who was your master or teacher? (Race? Gender? Appearance? Personality?) Is he/she still alive? How were you treated? Are/Were you on good terms with your master?
4) Did your teacher have any other apprentices or students? Who were they? Did you get along?
5) Due to the rarity of literacy in this setting, how important are books, writings, letters, ect. to your character? Regardless as to whether or not he/she can read?
6) Do you have a job other than "adventurer"? Who do you work for? How much of your time does this require?
Home schooled, Silk was taught to read and write by her parents…when they could get her to sit still long enough. Her father, seeing her overabundance of energy, began teaching her the martial arts, which the young cat girl took to like a duck to water. A heavy kicking stylist, Silk eventually integrated her father's into her skills when he discovered that, despite her small size, she had inherited her father's superhuman strength.
As an adult now, Silk is a member of an adventuring troupe called the Green Flash, a group dedicated to fighting back against the kaorti.
D: Friends
1) Who were your friends as a child? As an adolescent? As an adult?
2) How many of these people are still alive? How many are you still friends with?
3) Who is/was your best friend? What is the most memorable thing that the two of you ever did together?
4) What do you look for in a friend?
5) Have you ever been in love? Was it reciprocated? Do you have (or have you had) a boy-/girlfriend, a lover, or a spouse? More than one? Are you looking for one? What do you look for in a romantic partner?
Silk is a very easy person to get along with, and is a bit of a social butterfly. If your easy going, laid back, and enjoy good clean fun, Silk is all over it. She lives a “straight edge” life, that is aside from cure potions and normal medicines needed to stay alive in a world like Therafim, she doesn't drink, smoke, or indulge in drugs and promiscuity. She had one boyfriend; a human named Isycar that, despite being sweet to her, was semi possessive of her, and lead to their separation.
E: Attitudes and Beliefs
1) What are your beliefs about religion and the afterlife? Do you follow any particular god or gods? What appeals to you most about this religion? Least?
2) Where do spirits of nature, the elements and the dead fit into these beliefs?
3) What gods, religions, or priesthoods will you have nothing to do with?
4) What is your moral code? Under what conditions will you kill? Steal? Lie? Do you have a personal code of behavior about violence? Magic? Sex? Dealing with Evil Beings?
5) How committed are you to seeing through something (a task, quest, bargain, etc) that you have started?
6) How important are the following to you?: Power, Wealth, Fame, Honor, Family, Friends, Love, Knowledge, Religion, Your job? To what lengths would you go to acquire or preserve these things?
7) How often do you remember your dreams? How much attention do you pay to them? Do they inspire you? Guide you? Inspire You? Warn you? Frighten You?
8) What is your attitude towards magic? People who use it? Fearsome monsters? The unknown in general?
Silk was raised on the beliefs of Matra…to live life in balance with the natural world, and she upholds it. She never takes more than she needs, gives back twice over if she takes too much, and has a kind heart, especially for animals. Silk is known to fight for good reasons, and has a disdain of “proving herself” to others: if her actions are not enough, they are not worth impressing in her eyes. Against monsters she goes all out in battle “You must show no mercy, nor have any belief whatsoever in how others will judge you, for your greatness will silence them all.” is a mantra she keeps close to her heart when it comes to fighting against evil monsters. Depending on the situation, she will use her grapples to subdue and knock out opponents, but if they are incapable of mercy, she shows none.
Being psionic, Silk has no hate for magic, in fact she is very friendly to most mages and healers, mainly because if paired with one of these or a bard, she becomes a force of intensity and devastation. The term “Team Player” exemplifies Silk; she works best with a group even if she is well able to fend for herself.
Sex to Silk depends on her mood. Silk is known to be a little rough when it comes to the bedroom, and likes it that way. Foreplay has no place for her, you mate or go home, and you stop when SHE gets tired. She is never submissive save on rare occasions, and prefers to be the dominant of the paring.
F: Edges and Flaws
1) What are you especially good at? What sets you apart from the rest of the world? A skill? An unusual knack? A certain flair of style or wit?
2) What flaws do you have? Bad habits? Obsessions? Terrible (or embarrassing) secrets?
3) Do you have any enemies? How much trouble do those conflicts cause you?
Silk had a bad habit of being a busy body, that is, she can't sit still and isn't much for simply watching and waiting. A person of action before thought, Silk tends to be brash and very quick to act without considering consequences, however, Silk has a kind heart to go with an athletic, tough and psionically charged body. She doesn't have too many enemies, just some who get rather miffed and call her “That Blasted Cat” when things go wrong.
Silk is also known to be rather ill-mannered at times: Burping, scratching her belly, picking her nose, that sort of thing. To a street party, Silk is the life of it but to a grand ball, you couldn't get her to come, much less get her into one of those frilly dresses (and someone got mauled when they tried.)
G: Likes and Dislikes
1) What do you love? (People? Places? Creatures? Kinds of Food? Activities? Subjects?)
2) What do you hate? How do you typically react to these hated things?
3) What do you fear? What is your worst nightmare?
Silk loves sports, particularly parkour (free running) which she does almost daily for exercise. Her family is her life. Her favorite activities include stretching (wrestling), fishing and just lounging around in the trees…Silk has a yen for the simple pleasures of life with a healthy dislike towards arrogant martial artists who feel they have to prove themselves to everyone, she also hates snakes and spiders (Is terrified of them), and ghosts. In fact, exposure to any of those will have her running for cover, hiding or climbing something to get away.
H: Miscellaneous
1) Describe your first encounter with a nonhuman monster. (Not counting player races, animals, etc that you grew up with, but feel free to mention them too)
2) If you are a spellcaster, describe your first experience with using magic. What were the circumstances? Were you expecting it?
3) If you have an animal companion or familiar, describe how you acquired it. Describe this ally's personality, and its attitude towards you. (Loyal unto death, mischievous, lazy, etc)
4) If you have any unusual possessions, describe how you acquired them. Is their value practical, monetary, sentimental or some combination of these?
5) Please describe your characters general background, this may be any length you wish, but at least one paragraph. You may use any or all of the information above, or new information not covered.
Silk's had many encounters with nonhuman monsters and the results have been different almost each time. Depending on what it was, Silk either lets the people who are better suited for negotiations handle it, to pounded the daylights out of it, and in one instance when dealing with a haunted tower, she actually fled and climbed a tree…which took a couple of adventurers a few moments to coax her from its boughs. Though Silk has no familiar, she had several pets which she takes very good care of…consisting of a red talking parrot, a wolf pup (now a full grown wolf) named Patches, and two regular cats, Mongo and Gizmo.
If you wish to know about her background, by all means read it or just talk to her about it.
Zudadan, Kinnikuman by Suzuki Kenji
Transliterated Lyrics:
Zudadan, zudadan
A storm is swirling about the ring
Zubaban, zubaban
A brave new hero has been born
The courage in your right hand, the tears in your left hand
The love in your heart, tenderly Hold all of them close!
Heatedly Fight! Oh! Fight! Oh! Kinnikuman
Its the strongest tag, with a jump and kick
In order to save someone, you have to get hurt - That is friendship, and so
Burning up, Fight! Oh! Fight! Oh! Kinnikuman
With your Muscle Power, Go! Go! Go!
You're starting to fly out of sight, from this planet
Please now show us your righteousness
Jidadan, jidadan
An evil, wicked fighter is kicking about
Bibaban, bibaban
So shine on, with your light of victory
Your back, at the setting sun, and your voice, to the future
Your eyes, at those endless dreams All of them stare intently!
Heatedly Fight! Oh! Fight! Oh! Kinnikuman
Its the Comeback Magic 1, 2, 3!
The times that I fall down resound in my heart, all because of friendship
Burning up, Fight! Oh! Fight! Oh! Kinnikuman
Muscle Spark, Go! Go! Go!
These aren't just words put on to try and be cool
Please now show us your super-strength!
Heatedly Fight! Oh! Fight! Oh! Kinnikuman
Its the strongest tag, with a jump and kick
In order to save someone, you have to get hurt - That is friendship, and so
Burning up, Fight! Oh! Fight! Oh! Kinnikuman
With your Muscle Power, Go! Go! Go!
You're starting to fly out of sight, from this planet
Please now show us your righteousness