The Therafim Redlight


The so-called "world's oldest profession," at least on Earth, is also well-known on Therafim. There is no especial taboo against females or males taking up this profession in the world of Therafim at large, any more than there is any special taboo against homosexuality in general. However, various alignments, races, and nations tend to view selling pleasure for money or favors in various ways, as detailed below. In addition, the stances of these alignments, races, and nations on nudity taboos and public displays of affection are also detailed.

Besides prostitution, drugs are also regarded with varying degrees of acceptance. For some races, different substances have different effects, and each nation and race has its own specific taboos about what is and is not acceptable in public, or legal at all.

A list of drugs that can be found in Therafim and their effects can be found linked here:

Drugs and Poisons

Alignment Stances

Lawful Good

Clothing habits among Lawful Good societies tend to be quite modest. These can range from the full-body concealing robes of certain orders to the simple but reasonably covering attire of dwarves and gods-fearing peasant folks. Covering the body is considered a good way to avoid causing temptation in the first place, as well as a way to provide easy social cues, though in this case, equality of dress is preferred.

Sex and Prostitution:
Generally, prostitution in Lawful Good societies is frowned upon as disrupting desirable social patterns and undermining families. Thus, it is usually outlawed or, in rare instances, very tightly regulated. Sex in such societies is regarded as something very special, which should only be shared between those who have real commitments to each other, so as to ensure that they have a healthy relationship, and are able to raise healthy families.

Lawful Good societies may allow a few recreational substances that have been commonly accepted by society, such as alcohol, tobacco, and some of the other, milder drugs. However, there are often strong societal pushes to avoid even these, and harder drugs with higher levels of addiction are strongly regulated or, more commonly, banned outright.

Lawful Neutral

For Lawful Neutral societies, being modestly dressed means wearing attire appropriate to one's social situation. Clothing is a social costume, and hence there is usually expected to be a lot of it. Exposing one's body in a Lawful Neutral society is generally frowned upon, and frequently legally enforced, as breaking with the strictures of that society, since nudity flies full in the face of the established social order, besides acting as a distraction from the serious business of societal living.

Sex and Prostitution:
The sale of sex in a Lawful Neutral society can be seen as just another business practice to be carefully regulated, or else as a dangerous threat to the status quo of society. The exact view on the subject largely depends on how readily prostitution in that society's specific circumstances lends itself to regulation and proper oversight. If there are significant ties to the criminal underworld, then prostitution will likely be banned in a Lawful Neutral society.

Any drug might be considered for allowance in a Lawful Neutral society, but those that are demonstrably addictive in a majority of cases, while at the same time being injurious to the overall welfare of individuals and to those around them are usually banned. Alcohol and tobacco as well as some other mild drugs are generally likely to be allowed, if regulated (and sometimes rather heavily), but most harder drugs will not be.

Lawful Evil

Even more than in Lawful Neutral societies, dress is a signifier of rank and position, and as such is rigidly controlled with harsh penalties for breaking with established social custom, sometimes including death. The amount of clothing does not really matter, and can include up to total nudity (barring tattoos, brands, and other marks of station), so long as the demands of the society are met.

Sex and Prostitution:
For Lawful Evil societies, prostitution is just another way to make money, and is also just another business to be regulated, taxed and (especially) exploited by those with power. It might also be outlawed for common citizens of such a society, and making use of prostitutes reserved for those of the highest position and priviledge.

Drugs of all sorts may simply be considered another sort of business, and then heavily taxed by those who imbibe of its addictive lure. On the other hand, if the leaders of such a society want to ensure the productivity of their workers, they may ban the use of any and all substances that might detract from that productivity, or provide a few specific outlets for such behaviors to keep it under control, and at the same time providing the masses with a pressure gauge so that they do not sink into total despair or rebellion under the tyrrany.

Neutral Good

Lack of ostentation is the norm in a Neutral Good society. Because there is expected to be a sharing of resources, displays of extreme wealth are considered terribly gauche, as are excessive displays of the body. This is not because this is considered immoral so much as it is immodest: the person is showing off, and Neutral Good societies do not appreciate such things. The result of such breaches of social expectation is to be shunned, but not much worse can be expected.

Sex and Prostitution:
In a Neutral Good society, prostitution would be a job only for those that honestly want and enjoy such a position. For those who entered it because they felt they had no choice, other options would be made available through a variety of social programs.

Recreational drug use would likely be allowed in Neutral Good societies. However, there would be strong social pressure applied not to make use of most such substances, barring light to moderate alcohol use and other substances that are known to be less harmful or addictive.


Following the normal laissez-faire attitude of Neutral societies, as long as enough clothes are worn to meet the specific desires of a given culture and the needs of a given climate, then one is considered sufficiently modest. This, however, can range from quite extensive costumery to no more than body paint.

Sex and Prostitution:
Citizens of such a society would be largely on their own in their choices about whether to work as prostitues or to make use of prostitution services. The government in such a society would have a largely laissez-faire attitude about the subject, so long as it did not significantly interfere with the daily lives of most citizens.

So long as the use of drugs and other substances did not interfere with the daily lives of most citizens, a Neutral society would probably make no laws preventing the use of such substances. Once it did, then laws might be enacted, though they would likely focus more upon the actions of those who used the substances, rather than on regulating the substances themselves.

Neutral Evil

For a Neutral Evil society, if you have it, flaunt it, and if you don't, or you have less than others, do your best to be invisible. Clothing in a Neutral Evil society is a way to show others what you have, be it good looks, wealth, position, prestige, or whatever else might be important. How much that clothing shows of the skin beneath is all a matter of showing what the wearer wishes to be seen. Total nudity, however, is usually discouraged, except among those without power (such as slaves), since it creates too much of an even footing for the tastes of a Neutral Evil society.

Sex and Prostitution:
For people struggling to survive in a Neutral Evil society, prostitution, legal or otherwise, might be the only way that many people would be able to make a bare living, and that those who make use of their services could eke out a little comfort in an otherwise bleak, hopeless situation. Those with power would likely demand free services as bribery, making the legality of prostitution a moot point entirely.

So long as the profits and plans of those with power were uninterrupted, or even advanced, by their use, a Neutral Evil society is unlikely to make any laws preventing the use of various substances. In fact, these substances may be one of the only sources of relief for those living in such conditions.

Chaotic Good

For the Chaotic Good society, clothing is a matter of individual expression, and efforts to repress styles of dress are kept to a minimum. Society members are encouraged to wear what makes them happiest. There are usually some bare (no pun intended) minimums set for sake of decorum and avoiding unpleasantness between individuals, but these are indeed kept to a minimum.

Sex and Prostitution:
There would be two camps of thought for Chaotic Good societies. One would be that the sale of sex is an evil objectifying of those who sell such services, and a form of slavery that needs to be stamped out. The other camp would view such businesses as a form of economic freedom that many might otherwise be unable to gain. Thus, prostitutes would likely be allowed to choose for themselves whether to enter the profession, but would be ensured complete freedom to be in their own business if they did so. At the same time, they would also likely have strong societal pressures to enter a different profession, but would not be legally forced from it.

Responsible drug use would be taught and encouraged, and rehabilitation for those who were addicted made readily available in a Chaotic Good society, but few actual restrictions are likely to be imposed.

Chaotic Neutral

In a Chaotic Neutral society, there are no restrictions of dress save what one dares to put on around others.

Sex and Prostitution:
No regulation for prostitution is likely, either by law or by society.

No regulation for substance use or abuse is likely, either by law or by society.

Chaotic Evil

Those with power in Chaotic Evil societies wear what they please, usually doing their best to demonstrate just how powerful they are, to intimidate those below them and challenge those at their station. Those without power, on the other hand, do their best to avoid drawing attention to themselves by whatever means necessary.

Sex and Prostitution:
Prostitution is unlikely in such a society, not because it would be seen as bad in itself, but because it would be seen as taking power from those who want to maintain their brutal control. Those who would become prostitutes would likely end up doing the same job as those in the same profession in other societies, but without any monetary compensation - it would be just to stay alive.

Whatever might be available to such a society would be allowed for use. However, those with strength would be the ones most likely to get the substances they want, when they want them, while others would likely be unable to obtain such substances except through great effort. Substance addiction could very well be one of the leading causes of downfall of tyrants, allowing other, more clever tyrants to take their place, ones who do not indulge in such debilitating substances, but instead retain their fighting edge at all times.

Racial Stances


For the beastfolk, standards of modesty are generally seen as rather silly. While some of the more shy beastfolk races, such as mouselings, might prefer to cover up, most beastfolk have enough of a natural covering to not really require much else in their environment, and fail to see the need to put on much else. Those who enter civilized society frequently, however, recognize clothing as a form of social camoflage, and most adapt to suit the needs of the new situation. Some even grow to enjoy wearing clothing, because of how it allows them to show off only what they want seen. Beastfolk who form cities, such as the simbani and the turos, tend to institute clothing regularly as one of the few ways to regulate their new environment, so different from a tribal lifestyle. Their rules tend to be fairly lax, however, and so while it is common for the genitals to be covered, females are not necessarily required to cover their upper bodies any more than males.

Sex and Prostitution:
Prostitution is an institute of higher civilization, and as such, beastfolk do not generally engage in prostitution in their typical tribal societies. Those who enjoy sex more than others often find employment in taking care of the needs of other members of a given tribe, however, filling a similar role to that of a prostitute, though more for the enjoyment of it than any compensation. Beastfolk who find themselves desperate in cities might turn to prostitution for sake of survival, though their own kind usually do not look down on them for this - it is just what had to be done. This attitude, of necessity, is common among beastfolk: sex is a need, as far as they are concerned, and there is no point in trying to stifle it. Like hunger, thirst, and fatigue, one simply sates that need when it comes up in a manner most appropriate to the time and place and then gets back to the business at hand.

Beastfolk have no especial prejudices against the use of various recreational substances, provided that their use does not detract from the abilities of the user during times of need.


To a shapeshifter, clothing is just another sort of disguise. Changelings, therefore, conform their dress (or lack thereof) to the situation.

Sex and Prostitution:
In the mind of a changeling, sex is a tool, another part of whatever face is being worn at the time, another facet of an assumed identity. With this mindset, prostitution becomes a perfectly viable and reasonable source of income. Many changelings are fearful of enjoying sex fully, however, because of the great difficulty of maintaining a flawless disguise while in the throes of real passion.

Though conforming to the societies in which they live, changelings prefer to avoid substances that might alter their state of mind, for fear that they might reveal more about themselves than they want.


Dwarves are strong advocates of modesty in most social situations. Clothing is seen as a form of protection, and so more of it is considered better. Protection of the body from injury and the mind from temptation are considered about equal in importance, and so dwarves generally cover up.

Sex and Prostitution:
In dwarven society, arranged marriages are standard, and sex is not given a great emphasis, though couples are encouraged to be kind to each other, and learn together. More progressive dwarven societies allow those getting married to have some input into the process, though this input is only one of many sources. Marriage is a function of keeping society orderly and providing for the needs of children as well as couples, and thus prostitution is seen as a direct attack on society, and harshly suppressed. Homosexuality is somewhat discouraged because of its tendency to undermine the orderly communities of dwarves, though it is not actively stamped out in any degree, and many units of dwarven troops are known to have a more-than-common degree of unity and bravery when defending each other.

With their magnificent constitutions, dwarves are less concerned about the use of recreational substances than other races. So long as the substance in question is not of such a nature that it causes more extreme behaviors, and it is used in appropriate settings, then dwarves have no problem with it. Alcoholic bevereges are an almost essential part of the dwarven diet, and tobacco is a common vice, as examples.


Generally, elves in the wilds prefer to wear less, because excessive clothing hinders the movements of their graceful bodies. In locations they regard as safe, such as cities, elves wear more flowing, elegant, less practical clothing. Elves love clothing regardless of their situation, however, as a way for them to demonstrate their personal tastes and uniqueness, and this, coupled with the amount of time an elf can have to put into any project, thanks to their long lives, causes even nomadic elves to develop extensive and elaborate wardrobes over the years. Some elves, especially those with especially attractive bodies, recognize how clothing can be used as a weapon as well as a form of protection, and can wear extremely revealing garments to make use of this fact.

Sex and Prostitution:
Since they have such low birth rates, and because they have essentially no venereal diseases, elves tend to be quite free about sex, bordering on casual. For them, sex is another form of enjoyment, the same as art and music, save simpler in nature, and more primal. It is this primal aspect of sex that sometimes causes elves to shy away, because it threatens to overpower their reason, an especial danger due to their sensitive bodies. Younger elves tend to become especially enamored of sex, and it is at this stage of their lives that many half-elves are conceived, as these younger, impressionable elves are struck by the passionate natures of shorter-lived races, especially humans. Prostitution is an alien concept to elves, who regard sex as something meant to be shared and enjoyed, and they think of sex for the sake of coin or favors as a profession repugnant beyond compare.

Elves tend to favor herbal substances that can be drunk or ingested rather than smoked, as they tend to dislike how smoke affects their senses and changes the way they smell, besides how well they can smell others. Besides this, they strongly dislike the effects that smoke has on the sound of their voices. Generally, because of their delicate constitutions and refined senses, elves prefer to limit themselves only to a few rare and especially choice substances, and only in moderation.


Gnomes are usually regarded as being lucky to manage to remember to put on clothes in the first place, thanks to their absent-minded inventor stereotype. This stereotype does have some basis in fact, however, as gnomes regularly just toss on what is most handy and most comfortable before they get to work. Clothes are a source of amusement to gnomes when they actually put some thought into them, and they prefer bright colors and much use of shiny metal when possible, such as on buttons, chains, watches, pince-nez, and similar objects of interest. Going without clothing goes against the general mindset of a gnome, both because many gnomes have a tendency towards shyness, and also because going without clothes just seems so boring compared to wearing something.

Sex and Prostitution:
To a gnome, sex is a puzzle to be unlocked by layers. It engages their minds, their bodies, and their emotions all at the same time, and because of this, gnomes can easily become a little obsessive about the subject of sex. This is less an obsession with having sex, however, and more with the idea of sex. Because of this, their low birth rates, and the low rate of venereal diseases that can affect gnomes (they are about as resistant as fey, which is to say, immensely), gnomes tend to be quite willing to experiment with the subject of sex, and with a variety of different partners. Prostitution is considered too base a thing for such a magnificent obsession, the same as tossing pearls before swine, and so gnomes generally do not have anything to do with it.

Because a gnome's mind is so important to their society, gnomes generally prefer to avoid substances that impair mental function, or to only use them in moderation, such as with alcohol. However, on the other hand, gnomes often develop a taste for mind-expanding substances. This tendency tends to enhance the stereotype of gnomes being wild-eyed mad geniuses.


Clothing is camoflage to the mind of a halfling. With only naked skins to protect them from a hostile world, what one wears is another way to keep from drawing undue attention, or, if it is gained anyway, to make it easier to evade. Because of this, more civilized halflings tend to wear clothing similar to that of the people around whom they live, so as to form a sort of recognizable social bond with those people, which can make social interactions far easier, On the other hand, halflings who spend more time in the wilds prefer to wear clothing that helps them blend into the terrain, preferring simple, drab colors.

Sex and Prostitution:
In a halfling caravan, sex is at once a way to unite a community and a way to forge and sustain deep friendships. Generally, halflings only have one sexual partner at a time, called husband or wife for as long as it lasts, with an occasional guest invited into the relationship at times to liven things a bit. However, halflings are rather casual about forming and breaking bonds, and so there is often a cycling of partners. This can be quite turbulent in a halfling's younger years, but tends to become more stable later on in life. Children are raised by the present set of parents, and these bonds tend to last for longer, to provide more stability to the children, though a whole halfling communit usually takes part in raising the young, like a whole community of parents. Prostitution is not seen as being much different from other professions, so long as no children are produced. If any children are produced, then a woman's first duty is to provide for them in a stable environment, which the sale of sex tends not to foster.

No substance is forbidden to a halfling, so long as it does not hinder one's abilities in a pinch, or keep you from pulling your weight. For traveling halflings, this usually means that the most they will imbibe are alcohol and tobacco. More sedentary halflings, however, might use any number of different substances without any societal penalties. Halflings do not really have any prejudices about such activities, any more than they do against gluttony, though they do somewhat discourage the use of the more damaging and addictive substances.


Human stances on modesty, sex and prostitution, and drugs, tends to vary according to location and culture. Some of these locations and cultures are listed below.


Modesty is not an issue among orcs. Clothes are just what you wear to keep yourself protected, and so orcs tend to wear lots of coverings when they are fighting or in harsh terrain or climates, and less when they are in warmer areas or relaxed. Orcs have no real nudity taboos, though nudity may be interpreted as a challenge or an invitation if one is not careful.

Sex and Prostitution:
Power and sex go hand in hand, especially among orcs. A strong male tends to keep a harem of healthy breeding females, and how many females he has, how attractive they are, and how frequently he manages to keep them pregnant are regarded as signs of an orc's potency and power. The more females in such a harem, the more powerful and well-regarded in orcish society is that male. In this social arrangement, prostitution of females is largely unheard-of in traditional orcish society, though weaker males might engage in a form of the practice in order to get protection from stronger males. Female orcs who show promise as warriors are often allowed to participate in all activities that males normally engage in without social stigma, so long as they do not become pregnant. If that happens, then a female orc must either submit to be part of a male's harem, demonstrate her strength and independance as a warrior at all but the very last stages of her pregnancy, or else strike out on her own.

Orcs use what they want, when they want. Those who are so foolish as to use too much of substances that weaken their bodies, however, quickly end up dead. This harsh method of substance control generally insures that orcs do not partake too freely or too often of various drugs outside of social settings. Social substance use, however, is big among orcs, and they are very fond of just about anything that can be easily obtained and shared by the whole tribe. Alcohol is the most common substance so used, though many tribes are also known to have the higher-ranking orcs partake of mind-altering mushrooms with a lot of water, then let lower-ranking orcs drink their urine, as the mind-altering substances inside the mushrooms pass through the bodies of those who use them without any significant loss of potency.


Modesty is largely irrelevant to a warforged. However, those warforged who have sexual apparatus built into their bodies do tend to take pains to conceal these apparati. This is mostly out of deference for the sensibilities of other races, but also because warforged tend not to really understand the feelings that they get from such equipment, and prefer to keep their possession of it hidden except from their closest friends.

Sex and Prostitution:
Sex and the sale of sex is only meaningful to those warforged with modifications that allow them to function sexually. For those warforged, most of them regard prostitution as much the same as any other function, and can simply turn off their feelings in those areas and do what is expected with mechanical precision. Sex, on the other hand, is a great mystery to warforged, and it is at once exciting and terrifying. If warforged allow themselves to truly experience the sensations that can come from sex, then they are often left completely overwhelmed. For this reason, warforged tread with the greatest of care in such matters of emotion and sensation.

Drug use is generally irrelevant to warforged, as they are usually unable to be affected by all except for magical substances.

Nation Stances

Where a nation's stance is not listed, it may be assumed that its stance is the same as the majority race that rules the nation (e.g. Aelfheim, Thardruin), or that of the majority alignment (e.g. Ababanissa, Gila Kingdom), as seems most appropriate.

Avalon City

Fashion is ruler in Avalon City - it is a way of making statements about oneself, and what is most important to you. If you are proud of your tribal heritage, or are fresh to the city from such a heritage, then simple leather loincloths and halters might be the extent of your covering. Religious orders don their robes to show everyone their devotion. The wealthy and priviledged of all ages put on the very height of fashion developed in many distant lands as well as in Avalon City itself to show how hip and trendy they are. In short, almost anything is allowed and accepted, provided that you wear something. Public nudity is generally frowned upon, thanks to Avalon City's odd views on morality, but as long as whatever is worn is sufficient to cover the genitals and, in females, the breasts, then there are no complaints. If one fails to conform to these minimal requirements, then the miscreant will usually find him- or herself put into the stocks for a few hours in one of the less-savory and less-patrolled parts of the city…wearing exactly as much as was considered too little for other parts of society.

On the subject of the stocks, this is usually the only place where public nudity is considered perfectly acceptable. It is also one of the few places where public indecency in general is accepted, as anything done to someone in the stocks, provided that it does not endanger the entrapped person's life or cause permanent harm, is perfectly acceptable.

The only people in Avalon City who are allowed to go without clothing are slaves, provided that they are on a leash while in public, and always within view of their owner.

Sex and Prostitution:
Avalon City is truly cosmopolitan in many ways, including its general attitudes towards sex. There is a strange dichotomy to be found in the moral attitudes of Avalon City's people as a whole. On the one hand, the law makes only the most basic official restraints on sexual behavior in private places (such as making rape illegal), and only minimal ones in public. Prostitution is perfectly legal in Avalon City, though it is only acceptable in those districts of the city where the local population make no objections to its practice. In practice, this means that prostitution is actually very common in pretty much every part of Avalon City. However, just because the practice is common, does not mean that it is terribly visible except in the slums of the city, where street walkers make their living. Most prostitutes in Avalon City are part of profitable business enterprises that cater to the needs of their clientelle, and the law protects prostitutes with the same degree that it does anyone else in the walls of Avalon City. Unsafe business practices generally cause sex workers to go elsewhere, where they will have a better working environment.

Freedom of action coupled with restriction on visibility is a hallmark of morality in Avalon City. In other words, most things are permissable, so long as they are kept in private places. In bath houses and most other business establishments where a measure of privacy from the public can be obtained, unless specifically prohibited by the ownership of a particular establishment, sexual activities and prostitution are legal and often an expected part of a visit to these buildings. However, such practices are frowned upon in any places where random passersby might stumble upon them. Thus, sex in public is semi-legal at best, with punishment being the same for disturbing the peace and public indecency: time in the stocks.

Just as with sexual practices, the use of drugs in Avalon City are also generally acceptable and legal, provided that they do not get out of hand or become too obviously visible. Magic-enhanced, altered, or designed substances are generally illegal, but most plant-based substances are perfectly acceptable. Thus, smoked opium or chewed or powdered coca leaves would be acceptable for use, but baccaran or refined crack would not be acceptable at all. Public intoxication outside of drinking establishments (most of which have beds available for late night partygoers to spend the night) is acceptable grounds to spend a night in the drunk tank or local city watch jail house, but not much else, provided that one is does not cause any serious damage while intoxicated. Actions done while intoxicated, however, are prosecuted just as if the person was perfectly sober.

Autumn Land

Council Of Wands
Being a nation originally founded by gnomes and ruled by wizards, both beings known for their eccentricity, the Council of Wands has rather lax standards of dress. So long as one's genital region is covered (and breasts on women), then that is generally considered sufficient. On the opposite end of the spectrum, however, it is generally considered normal in Wandian society that the more important or wealthy a person is, the more outlandish their costumery will be. Foppish and fashionable dress are expected from all who can afford them, though in a society so saturated with magic, extreme styles are usually favored over more simple, practical ones. Wearing invisible clothing (such as those caused by the spell Emperor's New Clothes) are considered technically legal, and not punishable for public indecency, but will result in the person so affected being moved out of public view and made to cover up with something more substantial. The punishment for public indecency, of course, is also to be made to cover up with something more substantial; the Council of Wands is less concerned with punishment and more with getting on with business.

Sex and Prostitution:
Prostitution in the Council of Wands is acceptable as a business practice, but it needs to be properly licenced in order to be legal. This means that most legal prostitution is carried out by a few business organizations that run official brothels staffed with professional sex workers of varying degrees of quality, mostly depending on the price involved. As for sexual practices, it is generally illegal to carry on sexual practices with extraplanar beings, regardless of alignment, because of the dangers involved, though it is perfectly legal to do so with constructs or the partners created by the Playmate spell. These magical sources of relief, incidentally, are often part of the services offered by many upper-class brothels. It is also illegal to carry on sexual practices with nonsentient creatures, such as animals, or with any being incapable of making an informed decision, such as the underage. However, intercourse with sentient animals, such as familiars, while considered a bit eccentric, is perfectly legal.

While rather lax on controlling substances, the Council of Wands does outlaw certain extreme substances, such as liquid agony and other drugs manufactured by magical or alchemical processes. It is also illegal to cast spells while under the influence, punishable by substantial fines. Repeat offenders may have their ability to cast spells revoked through the use of powerful antimagical cursed items until such time as they demonstrate their freedom from addiction.

Empire Of The Iron Throne
In the Empire, modesty is simply a way of life, regardless of social rank. Most clothing, even among the nobility or royalty, is functional in nature. The only way, very often, to tell the difference between a king and a peasant is the quality of the clothing worn, since the style of dress remains quite consistent at all levels. Public indecency or nudity is a serious social breach, and generally ends with the perpetrator being taken aside by the local constabulary as quickly as possible and made to dress before being fined or put into community service.

Sex and Prostitution:
The Empire of the Iron Throne espouses strong family values - and not in the hypocritical way that term is often used by politicians in other nations. They are serious about it. In the Empire, sexual relations are reserved for one man married to one woman, period. Anything outside of the nuclear family relationship is punishable by anything from total social disgrace resulting from public announcement of the transgression, to heavy fines or community service, public flogging, to, in some extreme cases, death (thankfully this last is usually reserved for rapists and pedophiles). Wise visitors do not screw around in the Empire of the Iron Throne, at all.

Alcohol and tobacco use, in moderation, are generally the only significant vices allowed by the Empire of the Iron Throne. Occasionally more isolated peasant communities might make use of other, more extreme substances, such as hallucinogenic mushrooms or smoked herbal concoctions, but by and large all such activities are outlawed and punishable by heavy fines and floggings.

Each of the Freeholds regulates itself according to the dominant race and alignment of the Freehold in question.


Coutraman Confederacy
The Cargando Confederacy has an interesting mixture of modesty and freedom in its makeup. Ostentatious clothing is generally looked down upon as foppish and foolish, and so the typical member of society wears clothing that is generally practical. This does not mean that the citizens of the Confederacy are uninterested in fashion, however, just that they are less extreme in their tastes than some other places. Public indecency is generally punished by fines and, occasionally, time in the public stocks.

Sex and Prostitution:
The Coutraman Confederacy has a strange attitude towards public morality and decency. On the one hand, there are strong negative social attitudes towards any sort of relationship that deviates from a non-nuclear family of one husband and one wife, and laws that prohibit prostitution. On the other hand, prostitution is not at all uncommon among the lower classes, and it is very common for those with the money to afford it to make use of courtesans or keep lovers besides their spouse. This smacks of hypocrisy, a people with high ideals that they nevertheless seem to fail to meet despite all their efforts. Still, the majority of the population does, in fact, live up to this ideal, despite the more visible failures of many others, and this should be taken into account when dealing with Confederates.

Around the time of its founding, the Confederacy tried to outlaw the use of alcohol completely, seeing it as a dangerous mind-influencing substance. This effort, however, completely failed, and only managed to spawn the foundation from which much of the organized criminal underworld found in the Confederacy's larger population centers arises. Despite this, however, there is still a strong temperence movement in several parts of the Confederacy, and so the use of alcohol and other habit-forming substances is frowned upon and, in the case of anything outside of basic alcohol and tobacco use, frequently outlawed under penalty of imprisonment.


Alazarim Trade Confederacy
The Alazarim Trade Confederacy is especially noted for its dichotomy between the standards of dress for its men and its women, and also for the dichotomy seen between those of more liberal stances, and those of more conservative ones. On the far conservative side, those who follow this path can be immediately identified by the full, concealing robes that they wear, augmented among women with a full scarf and veil, and among men by a head covering, usually a skullcap or a turban. Conservative men are expected to have full beards, which are regularly unstyled and uncut. On the other side, more liberal men and women tend to wear more comfortable, more revealing clothes, as befits the warm climate of most of Crescent, and men generally trim their facial hair. Liberal Alazarimians are far more common, which explains the popularity of professional street barbers.

Sex and Prostitution:
Publically, the people of Alazarim are highly conservative. Despite the presence of many members of both sexes that might be rather scantily-clad in public, even liberal-minded Alazarim citizens do not make or take overt offers in public. In private, in the midst of the harem, however, the people of Alazarim have no reservations at all, even the conservatives, and feel free to indulge their every whim. This applies even to prostitutes, who are illegal, and thus dress like other citizens, many of them preferring the style of dress favored by conservatives as additional cover. In order to break into this inner world, one needs to know the subtle social cues of Alazarim's people. As an example, prostitutes might be identified by wearing shoes that leave stamps on the ground that can identify them as they walk, simply by looking down at the dust of the street.

Where there are strong conservatives in manners of dress and sexual practices in Alazarim, the same is not true of the use of recreational substances. Even substances usually illegal in other parts of Therafim can be obtained in Alazarim, though at normal prices due to the difficulty in obtaining them. The only exception to this is alcohol; most people of Alazarim's culture, by long tradition, do not partake of alcohol made from grape or grain, and so these are largely impossible to find. Alcohol made from other sources, however, such as dates, are readily obtainable.

To the undead of Necropolis, sex and recreational substances are a matter of taste: if you can enjoy them, feel free, and if not, then it is a pity. Modesty is likewise optional, as just another mortal concern that the dead have left behind. The living in Necropolis are allowed to follow whatever their hearts desire and their undead masters allow during the time that they are given to exist in the mortal sphere.

Heaven's Tear


Sex and Prostitution:



Sex and Prostitution:


Cho-Lin Empire

Sex and Prostitution:



Sex and Prostitution:



Sex and Prostitution:



Cobra's Hood

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Sex and Prostitution:



Sex and Prostitution:


Isle of the Mighty


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Sex and Prostitution:



Sex and Prostitution:


Panoceana (The Great Waters)

Cargando Confederation

Sex and Prostitution:


Cobala Archipelago

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Sex and Prostitution:


Blood Reef/Endless Rift

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Sex and Prostitution:



Cold Hold

Sex and Prostitution:


Far North

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Sex and Prostitution:



The Great Arena

Sex and Prostitution:


Red Mark

Sex and Prostitution:


Temple of the Grinning Dragon

Sex and Prostitution:



Sex and Prostitution:


Summer Country


Sex and Prostitution:



Sex and Prostitution:



In the Underdark, whatever can be gotten away with is what is acceptable. The harsh world of this dark world beneath the world ensures that only the strong survive, and what comforts one can enjoy while under such pressure are considered acceptable, so long as it does not render you unable to defend yourself at a critical point.